SG question

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Dec 18, 2008
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My starting sg was 1.100, about ten days later I racked it over to the secondary with a sg of 1.020. I waited about 30 days racked it over again and the sg was .990. I did taste it and it seems to be alittle dry so I added 1.5 cups of sugar dissolved in water along with 2 crushed campden tabs and 1/4 tsp of k-meta. This is a 2-2.5 gallon batch of blackberry. If these numbers do not seem right someone let me know. The only sg number I am concerned with is that 1.100. I know I wrote it down, and found it on my folder but did not put a date on it. Thanks for helping a beginner with alot of questions....LA BOY..
Campden and k-meta is the same (1/4tsp is for 6 gallons). So, you over sulfited the wine. Don't be surprised if fermentation restarts. Before adding any sweeteners you must add Potassium SORBATE (1/2tsp per gallon)

What are you making? need more info.

#'s are high for a fruit wine. Try for a starting gravity around 1.085 next time. The alcohol may overpower the fruit.
Thats a lot of sulfites and no sorbates so hopefully you just made a mistake posting this, but not really sure what question you are asking here.
my mistake on the lingo, I put 1/4 tsp of potassium sorbate, not k-meta.I will add another 1.25 tsps, this is about a 2 gallon batch. Also, I must of made a beginner mistake by sweetening before adding the k-sorb. How long should I wait next time before trying to sweeten. Being I did not add the k sorb. first what will the outcome be for the batch.
LA-BOY said:
my mistake on the lingo, I put 1/4 tsp of potassium sorbate, not k-meta.I will add another 1.25 tsps, this is about a 2 gallon batch.
If you added 1/4tsp of Sorbate then you need to add 3/4tsp more that will = 1 tsp for 2 gallons. Its 1/2tsp per gallon.
What yeast did you use, is it fermenting again? You already have a little over 14% which is pretty high for a fruit wine so I hope there is enough blackberries in there to back it up. What did the SG go up to when you sweetened it? You may have to get more blackberries and make an f pac to add some fruit flavor back to this.
ok I added the 3/4 tsp, k sorb., but as of yesterday I see no active ferm. the sg did go up after sweetening, about 1.000. f-pac, what is this and how do I make it. I did notice there was not a large flavor of blackberry so maybe I can add some flavor. thanks
What some of us do is take approx. 1/3 the amount of fruit we used to make the must and freeze it, then put it in a pot on the stove with just a tiny little bit of water so the fruit doesnt burn in the pot and simmer this down until it gets really mushy and then squeeze all the juice out of it. What this does is help extract the juice and also condense it to a concentrate. I will sometimes just buy a good juice if no fruit of this type is available and do the same with no water and simmer it down until 1/3 the size and if your wine needs to be sweeter you can add some sugar to either of these but also make a simple syrup so you can add all the flavor then finish up with the syrup after. For a 6 gallon batch i buy about 2 liters of juice and reduce to about 1/2 a liter.
Thanks, is there a time limit on when I can do this, do I have a couple of days or can I do it a week later. la-boy