Self degassing?

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Senior Member
Nov 23, 2010
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Will a Mead degass on its own if left in the secondary for awhile? I mean it has been racked maybe three times. It has always been a little thick looking when I checked on it, now I can see little tiny bubble rising constantly from the bottom.

The more viscous a fluid is the harder to degas all by itself it will be. I would degas this myself it were me.
It is in a one gallon jug. I don'nt have the drill attachment for that and the wife says I am spending to much money on homebrew stuff. What would be the best way to do it? Spoon or a long skwer? This was one of those short mead kit I was talking about awhile back. I was only susposed to ferment for up to 14 days then strain and bottle, but I thought it might be better to age it some. I was hoping it would thin out because some of the additives that did not dissolve floating around in it. She thinks I might have ruined it.
What ever you can fit in there thats fiid grade and have the temp up to around 75 especially with a mead as like I said its more viscous and will be harder to get degassed.
I'll get it warmed back up and use my brewing spoon. It should take too long to do a gallon. It is a pretty golden color though.


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