Saskatoon Wine Problem

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May 21, 2015
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I have not seen this before and wondered what I would do to save this wine. It was clear when bottled and 2 of the 9 bottles have stayed clear. Thanks in advance!

Wine problem.jpg
the protein fell out of solution when wine was cooled or heated. I would normally add betonite at fermentation or post fermentation. there is a protocol that can be followed to heat stabilize the wine but I cannot recall the steps. perhaps someone else can help.
How old is this wine? Is it from this year? I will bet you didn't bulk age it long enough, because the sediment is made up of such big particles.

I agree with salcoco. The only reason this happens is that the wine was not truly stable--which only comes from bulk aging. If you give your wine the time needed in bulk aging, all the unstable components eventually fall out. When wine isn't stable, the tartrates and proteins can precipitate out and produce haze or sediment when stored under various conditions.
Salcoco is giving you good advice on bentonite. Just remember if you use pectin enzyme you should wait until around the third day of active fermentation before adding bentonite.
Thank you everyone for your advice. I'm not the one who actually made this wine but the owner came to me for answers as she knew I followed these forums. Your expertise is very helpful.