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Feb 9, 2010
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I heard on the news today that new studies have shown that salt can actually be good for you and that avoiding salt can actually be harmful.

From time to time, I see that the medical research reverses itself. Like the whole buter/margarine topic. Frist butter is found to be bad, so they say to eat more margerine. Then they find that the margerine is more unhealthy than butter. Now they say to eat butter instead.

What's next? Cigarettes are good for you?

What's next? Cigarettes are good for you?

John, funny you should say this. I remember back in the 1950's, Kools cigarettes used to have an advertising slogan that went, "Got a cold? Smoke Kools!"
When you get a craving for salt it's your body saying you're developing a sodium deficiency. Time to go to McDonalds and get some french fries. I get that kind of craving for wine 2-3 times a day when I develop too much blood in my alcohol system. ;-)
when you get a craving for salt it's your body saying you're developing a sodium deficiency. Time to go to mcdonalds and get some french fries. I get that kind of craving for wine 2-3 times a day when i develop too much blood in my alcohol system. ;-)

Just like when they ok all these drugs only to find out they will kill you in a matter of weeks!
I'm waiting for the day when they say veggies are bad for you and red meat is good. I'm a meat and potatoes guy. Closest I'll ever become to being a vegetarian is a steak salad.
Isn't that the stuff that I push aside on my way to the steak?

I just thought it was confetti - where there's steak, theres a party... And when i knock around that big bowl, that green stuff always flies every-friggin-where
Just like when they ok all these drugs only to find out they will kill you in a matter of weeks!

i just love the commercials for these drugs as well.....developed to treat one specific thing, but yet have an entire laundry list of potential side some of the allergy medications...."side effects include itchy. watery eyes, some swelling and redness may occur, and in some cases possible DEATH has been reported"....hmmm, let's see, runny nose or DEATH....i think i'm going with the runny nose.....what do you think???
Ken, I have often thought the same thing! And I like the tone that they use when stating the side effects, like calmly and matter-of-factly, "by the way, and this is not very important, use of this drug could result in depression, upset stomach, cancer, leprosy, homocidal and suicidal thoughts or actions or even a general feeling of testiness but don't let that worry you."
I heard on the news today that new studies have shown that salt can actually be good for you and that avoiding salt can actually be harmful.

From time to time, I see that the medical research reverses itself. Like the whole buter/margarine topic. Frist butter is found to be bad, so they say to eat more margerine. Then they find that the margerine is more unhealthy than butter. Now they say to eat butter instead.

What's next? Cigarettes are good for you?


i guess that's why they call it "practicing medicine"....they still haven't gotten it down pat's funny, cuz i was always told it was the "science" of medicine....i thought "science" was supposed to have a 'definitive' answer one way or another, an absolute...just seems funny that turn out more as an "art" as opposed to a "science"...i mean heck, you go to a doctor, and you wind up with one diagnosis....go to a 2nd doctor, get a different diagnosis....wth???...if it's a science, there's supposed to be an absolute answe one way or another, like in math...and along the same lines, you might get the same diagnosis from 2 different doctors, but yet each one winds up with a different course of, smi-ence....i just don't get seems to be more like our winemaking, but that is an artform....the only absolute is that yeast the yeast eat the sugar and p@## out alcohol and burp out