Saison du Mont

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Beer, mead and wine...oh my! :0)
Aug 27, 2012
Reaction score
Saison du Mont
Recipe Type: Extract with specialty grains
Yeast: Wyeast 3711
Yeast Starter: None
Batch Size (Gallons): 5.25 gallons
Original Gravity: 1.060
Final Gravity: 1.004
ABV: 7.35%
IBU: 16.1
Boiling Time (Minutes): 60 mins
Color: 7.6 SRM
Primary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp): 16 days; low 70s
Additional Fermentation: None
Secondary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp): 45 days; low 60s
Tasting Notes: This is Dave Levonian's recipe with a little extra fermentables and a sub on the bittering hop and the yeast. The saison yeast aroma stands out. In the flavor you can tell that spices were used, but cannot pick them out; just as it should be. When I brewed this I didn’t know that I was under-pitching, but the result is so tasty that I will not change the process! Now that I am experimenting with BIAB, I may still make this recipe as extract.

Ingredient List:
2 lbs Vienna
8 oz flaked wheat
8 oz flaked oats
6 lbs light LME
1 oz Fuggles (60 min)
½ oz Hallertau (15 min)
½ oz Hallertau (flameout)
1/2oz Coriander (flameout)
1/2 teaspoon Grains of Paradise (flameout)
1/4oz Sweet Orange Peel (flameout)
1/4oz Bitter Orange Peel (flameout)
8 oz Clover honey (flameout)

Notes: The FG of 1.004 is not a typo; even with extract, WY3711 is a strong attenuator. I might back off on the ABV next time...this stuff is great after working in the yard in the summer, but you may not want to get up afterward :0)