Room temperature for primary?

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Junior Member
Jan 4, 2014
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Can I assume correctly that I do not want to place my primary pail out in the unheated garage but perhaps donw in my basment where the temperature is around 71 degrees?
The kits I have done recommend 71-75*, in my basement I have everything set up by the baseboard heater (since it's Cold as .... outside).. thermostat is set @ ~75, wine is around 72-74 depending on time of day.
The best thing to do is always go to the yeast manufacturers website, you will get a ton of really useful info such as Temperature tolerances, ABV tolerances, fermentation speeds, nutrient requirements, which type of wine it is recommended for, sensory effects ( what the particular yeast can bring out in the wine, and so much more info.
Simple researching such as this can help you to make educated decisions, and help you to make a better wine.
Thanks Pumpkinman.
For whatever reason I would not have thought to try that route.
if you are in PA with an unheated garage then you should use your basement as it will provide a steadier temperature. I am in NY while my house experience 10/15 deg swing, my garage probably experience up to 40 deg swing during cold days... my basement (unheated) only experience 5 deg: 65 when furnace is off and 70 when on.
I have wine fermenting and aging in the coldest part of my basement. The temp fluctuates between 58 and 62.

I keep the fermenting bucking wrapped in a heavy blanket, sometimes 2 blankets. Bungee cords keep them on and in place on the upper 3/4 of the bucket. The bottom 1/4 has a brew let on.
The fermenting wine remains at 70.

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