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Oct 6, 2005
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I have brewed over 90 all grain beers and bought a conical fermenter so I have carboys doing nothing. I have first kit wine (chardonay) in secondary 6.0 I used 6.8 bucket for primary and It did not blow air lock. Can I use 6.5 carboy as primary? Do red wines ferment harder?Do I need to cover carboys to protect from light? What are best corks? I plan on getting floor corker because I heard hand ones are hard to use. I already have shiraz and riesling kit from wine expert selections. I have heard they are best. I keg all my beer so I have never bottled anything with bottling thing that came with my first beer kit, can I use that for wine, or should I get "wine" one. I bought fizx stirer, do I use that just when kits instrustion say too or should I use more often?

Thank you in advance for your input. Hope I can find 90 bottles.

I personally have used a 6.5 gallon carboy as primary it work fine as long as you can stir the ingredients. I would cover the carboys with something even if it is a dark t-shirt to protect from light. I like the agglomerate corks that George sell on the Finevinewines web site. Definitely would get a floor corker!!! I don't know what the bottling thing is that came with you beer kit so I can not advise on that. I have used various hand held fillers and the best so far is the spring loaded one the is sold on this web site. Hope this helps. Lynn
Welcome Guy....

Can I use 6.5 carboy as primary? not a good choice for a primary since it is too small, you need a fermenting Bucket 7.9 gallon (US) - includes drilled bucket, lid, and Fast Flow Spigot

Do red wines ferment harder? some reds produce quite a bit of foam and fermentation is more vigorous

Do I need to cover carboys to protect from light? Yes...this is best

What are best corks? Fine Vine Wines Perfect Agglomerate #9 X 1.75

I plan on getting floor corker because I heard hand ones are hard to use.excellent idea!!!

I already have shiraz and riesling kit from wine expert selections. I have heard they are best. Winexpert is #1 in the industry!

I keg all my beer so I have never bottled anything with bottling thing that came with my first beer kit, can I use that for wine, or should I get "wine" one. It will work...most likely 3/8 inch

I bought fizx stirer, do I use that just when kits instruction say too or should I use more often?Always follow only need to stir when making up the kit and after fermentation is complete in order to degas and mix in final chemicals and fining agents
One more question until I think of more, Is the fast flow spigot on the 7.9 forbottling? Or do you dump trub (does wine have trub?) mid ferment in primary like conical fermenter?

You can use it for bottling, but you will have to rack back into the bucket. You can get a BuonVino autofiller from to use straight from the carboy. Best method as long as the wine is clear with no sediment. Otherwise, you rack to a clean carboy and wait a few more weeks.

Welcome to the wine forum. There is lots of good advice here. My husband and I have only made one kit and are well into our second ... however, I can highly recommend the floor corker! It's soooo easy and it's fun. mwm

The spigot on the primary can be used for bottling as Hippie said and mainly it is for racking wine to secondary carboy when fermentation slows and SG drops to 1.010-1.020.

The solids in bottom of fermenter/carboy when making wine is called lees.

Note: The fast flow spigot is sized for 1/2" ID tubing.

You should take some time and read through the Fine Vine Wines home wine making tutorial.