RJ Spagnols RJS EP Australian Pinot Noir

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BM4X4 is an improved version of BM45.

IIRC, the BM4x4 is a fairly quick fermenter. I could keep it fairly cool down there which might slow the ferment. On the other hand, I do like the RC212 - used it in many of my reds, but don't remember it being as fast as the 4x4.

I've got a little time to think about it. I only have one 6 gallon glass carboy available. I'd like two - one for the PN and the other to transfer the wines I have aging - before kicking this off.
IIRC, the BM4x4 is a fairly quick fermenter.

Depends upon what you're comparing it to. 4x4 is slower than 1118, and in my last ferment (fall grapes) had two batches, same size, side by side, with 4x4 & 212, they were neck and neck the whole time, fwiw. That was at 75F, don't know how / if lower temps could affect the comparison. I like and use both yeasts.
I do. Love the results (so do judges).

1118 (considered as a champagne yeast) is a very aggressive yeast. Kind of like a bull in a china shop. IMHO, RC-212 adds much better flavor components to the wine. I only use 1118 when I have a slow or stuck fermentation.

I have to admit, I have never used BM 4X4 or BM 45 and was planning to do a test runs of 5gal each the next time I make a Tuscan blend (perhaps this fall). I hear very promising things about these yeasts and I know that several members here have had great results with them. I can not comment on this particular yeast, but can comment on having VERY good results using RC212 for a PN.
I wonder why rjs includes the 1118 in this kit then. That goes for any premium kit, from any company, not just the EP. If 212 or some other yeast is obviously a better choice, why not include it? If you are buying premium kits, you probably aren't a newbie; so the beginner messing up card really can't be played. Just wondering....
I wonder why rjs includes the 1118 in this kit then. That goes for any premium kit, from any company, not just the EP. If 212 or some other yeast is obviously a better choice, why not include it? If you are buying premium kits, you probably aren't a newbie; so the beginner messing up card really can't be played. Just wondering....

A question for the ages - shouldn't a premium kit contain all premium components? Especially if E1118 and RC212 cost approximately the same.

I started making wine with premium kits. They are no more difficult than the island mist kits.
What do y'all do with the 1118? I've got a baggie full of the stuff!
I keep 'em on hand in case of a stuck fermentation or a bad batch of yeast. As they age, I toss 'em.
I keep them in the refrigerator for the next Dragon's Blood. Can never have enough Dragon's Blood!
Well, I got tired of staring at this kit - all splayed out and ready to turn into wine. So, I did everything but drop the yeast.

Stats right now: SG 1.078 @ 72.4* F.

I'm going to let this sit overnight before dropping yeast to see where the gravity goes (I'm hoping something closer to 1.100).

Once this ice thaws, I'll head over to the LHBS and grab a packet of RC212.
One trip to the LHBS and 4 hours later, the SG is now 1.096. Dropped the RC212. And now... we wait.

*** UPDATE: This morning the SG inched a little higher to 1.100.
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Fermentation is kicking off as anticipated. It's a little chilly in the basement, so I moved to brewbelt to the primary till it builds up some steam. Then I'll put it back on the PS.
Three days later and we're down to 1.040 @ 71* F. No off smells. I may move the brew belt to the PN in the next few days. Maybe not... We're just 5 days into fermentation. So, it depends how the wine progresses.
Three days later and we're down to 1.040 @ 71* F. No off smells. I may move the brew belt to the PN in the next few days. Maybe not... We're just 5 days into fermentation. So, it depends how the wine progresses.

I assume with no off smells that you are following a nutrition program with the RC 212, or is the yeast just behaving, for once?
Christmas Eve and we're at 1.028 SG. I put the brewbelt on it and will likely rack it in a couple days. Still looking and smelling fine.

Just think, by next year, I could be opening a bottle of your Pinot Noir on Christmas Eve when you give me one as a Christmas gift :h!

Actually I'm eyeing up either the 8/2015 Super Tuscan or the 7/2015 Enigma for tomorrow. I have absolutely no where to drive, so I may get cooked as I'm cooking.

Jim, Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Just think, by next year, I could be opening a bottle of your Pinot Noir on Christmas Eve when you give me one as a Christmas gift :h!

Actually I'm eyeing up either the 8/2015 Super Tuscan or the 7/2015 Enigma for tomorrow. I have absolutely no where to drive, so I may get cooked as I'm cooking.

Jim, Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Thank you, Craig. To you and the family as well.. if you do the enigma, give it a half hour in a decanter. The Pinot is going to be a nice wine. Some times you can just tell.

We has a Super Tuscan last night and it was pretty decent. With Christmas Eve dinner we had a very young and thoroughly tasty Amarone. Very please with it. Will need to launch an RJS EP Amarone as my next project. I never want to be out of this wine.
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Racked to the secondary and dropped the pectanize. There's a good layer of goo at the bottom of the carboy and a little less than a .375 bottle in the fridge (excess from the racking).

SG is 1.006 @ 69* F. The wine is pretty sweet and surprisingly pleasant at this early stage. There is a bit of airlock activity an hour after transfer.

I put the brewbelt on and will let this sit till next weekend. With any luck, I'll be down to zero on the ferment and can move on to clearing.
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