Mosti Mondiale Riserva Mondiale Cabernet Sauvignon

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Dec 30, 2008
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Just ordered a Riserva Mondiale Cabernet Sauvignon.Thank you in advance George.
I intend toadd Tan'cor Grande Cru to it after fermentation, sampled some additions @ Stache's place a few weeks ago and was very impressed with that product. Thank you Stache for sharing the experience!<WBR>.pdf -

Here is a site I found. Is there something about the Mondiale Cabernet Sauvignon that requiresthis product?
Alrighty, I havethe kitcooking and have something to report back.

First thing I noticed about the instructions what that they specifically stated leave the I the primary lid loose to allow oxygen.

Also to stir daily to circulate, you all know I'm a "stirrer" so I liked that part especially.

Secondly they state that when doing the first racking to splash it and add the yeast nutrient then, to envigorate a new yeast culture to push it to drieness.

Very good directions so far in my opinion.

Now the juice: They give you 16L which is a good sized lit. They add 8 oz water with the bentonite, 2 oz to rehydrate the yeast and 1 liter to rinse the bag the juice came in. Then they add 6 more liters of water.

I added the water a liter at a time stirring thoroughly and taking hydrometer readings. Since they give you ec-118 I know the yeast can handle higher alcohol production so I held back 1.5 liters of water of water. I figure I can sacrifice a couple of bottles of wine and have more alcohol and stronger varietal flavor. I also figure I can add some back too if I really need to. I think I can get away with this because the acid and tannin in kits are on the low side as to be more palletable to a broader range of folks and I always wind up adding more of each in anways these days so I figured I'd play. My starting specific gravity with the 1.5 liters with held is 1.1 on the nose, a very nice 24.5 % brix. If I have done my math right that'll give me a little over 13% alcohol with a little stronger varietal flavor. The tannin in the juice is better than average.

Now I have to get 1.5 liters worth of marbles to displace the water I held back or something else, haven't decided yet.

Welp, that's all for now. I'll post back in a few days how everything is fermenting....
Thanks for sharing.....Please keep us up to date on this one....GOOD LUCK..
Vince, after secondary fermentation just rack to a 5 gallon and a 1.5 L bottle. No need for marbles.
Thank you all. I also have a grape pack from a cellar craft merlot kit that has some life left in it, I might put thatin there too.
Interesting appraoch Vince. I've stopped short of filling a few of my kits up to the 23L mark, but I don't think I've gone that far. Please let us know how it turns out.
Will do and thank you. I checked the specific gravity and we are at 1.09 with about a 1 inch head on it, looks like a Guiness Stout draft. :) I stirred to my enjoyment and thencoveredit back up. I'll peek again Sunday.
this tan cor stuff sounds interresting, I'm gonna check my local store and see about getting some. Anyone know if it can be added during the bulk aging stage? Am I reading the directions right that it just needs to be added like 6-8 weeks before bottling??
I have used it on some wines and than bulk aged them....I didn't save any wine out to compare with so I don't have a real test to compare the with tannin and without tannin too...
Check out this months news letter as Goerge and Joseph didi a write up and test on it!
I read your report on Tancor testing and note that "frequent testing" resulted in an abbreviatedexperiment!
Bet you're not the only "frequent testor" in this group!

Kidding aside, thanks publishing your results.As you know, I had some sent with an order a fewmonths ago but haven't tried it yet. NowI will.
Hello All, just checking in. The Specific Gravity is 1.05 now and I put the Merlot Grape pack in I have from my last kit, still had some life in it.
That should be some knock out flavor there Vince, are you going to add additional oak to it while its bulk aging?
Specific Gravity is 1.00 and squeezed the grapes again 2 days ago, even more sweetness emmitted so I'll kept doing that until no more perceptable sugar.

Kinda makes me wonder if I should have done the same with my merlot kit I got last montg. Next time I'll do the same with all kits with grape packs and squeeze a few extra days until all signs of live is out of the grape pack. While thesekits are designed for ease of direction and use it seems silly to me to leave all that goodness behind in the grape pack especially when you have it right there in your hands. But I guess saying it is a "28 day kit" is probabaly better marketing on the manufactures past.

So for hence forth, I'll squeeze them little grape packsfor as long as I still get sugar out of them.