WineXpert Reserving extra wine

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Dec 4, 2007
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I just racked my WE Super Tuscan Crushendo last night to begin secondary fermentation. I topped the carboy and had about a mason jar left over. Can I use this for further topping off? I stored it in my refrigerator last night figuring that it would slow down fermentation and keep the jar from exploding. Did I do the right thing?and/or what should I do with the excess wine?
You can get small stoppers that fit in the top of wine bottles. You fit these with an airlock and continue fermentation just like in a full sized carboy. When you rack you can use the wine from these to top up with. The number 2 or 3 stoppers fit wine bottles. I use #3.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width="100%" border=2 ="ingNew"><T>
<TD>Product Details</TD></TR></T></T></TABLE>
<TABLE borderColor=#000000 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width="100%" border=2 ="maintable"><T>
<TD ="#ffff00">Item Number</TD>
<TD ="#ffff00">Description</TD>

Gum Stopper #3 Drilled Rubber

Sizing Chart located on our Resource page.

<TD ="#ffff00">Current Price</TD>
<TD ="#ffff00">Status</TD>
<TD ="#ffff00">Order</TD>
<TD ="#ffff00">Picture</TD>
Edited by: appleman

They do work great. This is a #2, I think next time I order some I will go with the three's. I think it allot better than ending up topping with water, or a commercial wine.
You dont want to add wine with residual sugar left in it or it will start fermenting again. Do like others have shown and get some small bungs and a small wine bottle to put this in to finish fermenting so you can add it safely.
i did the same thing to make room for a f-pack but since ferm is just about done i put a ballon on to of the wine bottle. would this be alright untill i can get another bung and airlock? i did clean the ballon with meta.
As long as there is a pin hole in it to let the gas out so the balloon doesnt explode.