'Regular' juice buckets versus balanced juice buckets

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Still lost.....
Sep 25, 2012
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I am ready to place an order for Chilean stuff.
They offer the 'normal' juice buckets where there's no yeast added and not balanced. Price ranges from 51~$56
The brand is 'Estrella del Sur' (Star of the south).

They also have a Fresco brand which prices range from $86~$93 because they claim it is a better juice and pre-balanced for PH and TA; plus it brings some oak packages.

My other LBS also has some Mosti Mondiali buckets, pre-balanced and all that for $92.00

Has anyone tried these "better juice" buckets at that higher price, is it worth all that extra money per bucket? Would you add fresh grapes anyways as we add to 'regular' juice buckets?

anyone knows about these more expensive juice buckets?
Though I have no experience with them, I have a hard time imagining what could be in those buckets to warrant a 50% price difference. Maybe they go through some sort of extended maceration before pressing.
but then one wonders if there's still a need for fresh grape skins in it, that would make its cost even higher....

I think the 'normal' buckets could be just fine as long as we check for PH and do some balance ourselves?
My protégé has done a few of the Mosti buckets at George's suggestion. They have turned out excellent. I'll get better details soon.
Thanks Tony, let me know.
I think tomorrow is the last day to order juice or grapes from my suppliers around here...
Thanks Tony, let me know.
I think tomorrow is the last day to order juice or grapes from my suppliers around here...

So it seems that he has done two Mosti buckets, a Nebbliolo and a Merlot. The Neb is finished and would have been excellent except for a bit too much back sweetening just prior to bottling. That was a very early learning experience. The Merlot is aging and carboy tastes are very promising.

I think the only down side to the Mosti buckets is that many here believe that the buckets are simply regular kits with the water added. Shipping 7 liters of extra water seems unnecessary once you're accustomed to adding it yourself. For someone new to winemaking they are great in that you skip one step and it comes with it's own fermenting bucket.

You really need to search comments about the Chilean buckets. A lot of folks here do them and have made many comments on other threads.
One last thing I don't know is if these Fresco juice buckets are pre-balanced can we do MLF on them???
Geek, guess is, if they're balance, they might have had Lysozyme added to prevent MLF. I l know Regina adds this to their buckets. but I too feel that double the price is NOT worth it. A lot of the buckets have LOT number or something that enables you to call the company and get the original "numbers" to aid you in what adjusting (if any) need to be done