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Junior Member
Sep 10, 2017
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can y’all help me with this?!?

My neighbors first batch ever has a bad case of rotten egg smell. I’m pretty sure her yeast nutrient wasn’t working at full power judging by the action in the primary(hindsight)

I have no idea how to use this stuff, and the instructions are less than helpful since I know nothing about professional wine making or finesse..I’m more of a brute force/blow it up type of guy! Seriously, the simplest possible way!

It’s currently 5 gallons and fermented totally dry

Thanks for any help

The bench
From the Website:

To Use:
Mix Reduless in 10 times its weight in water. Add immediately to the tank. If prepared in advance, re-suspend the product prior to its addition to the fermenter. Gently mix and rack off or filter after 72 hours. The maximum potential copper contribution when used according to the recommendation is 0.02 ppm.
Storage: Store at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and strong odors. It can be stored for up to four years from production date.
Recommended Dosage
10-15 g/hL 0.8-1.2 lb/1000 gal

Your dosage will be .1 - .15 g/L, 5 gallons is 19 L, so use 1.9 - 2.85 grams for your 5 gallon batch, I'd go somewhere in the middle, like 2.5 grams, added to 25 grams of water, add and mix in well. Rack or filter in 72 hours as directed, and then check and see how you did.
From the Website:

To Use:
Mix Reduless in 10 times its weight in water. Add immediately to the tank. If prepared in advance, re-suspend the product prior to its addition to the fermenter. Gently mix and rack off or filter after 72 hours. The maximum potential copper contribution when used according to the recommendation is 0.02 ppm.
Storage: Store at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and strong odors. It can be stored for up to four years from production date.
Recommended Dosage
10-15 g/hL 0.8-1.2 lb/1000 gal

Your dosage will be .1 - .15 g/L, 5 gallons is 19 L, so use 1.9 - 2.85 grams for your 5 gallon batch, I'd go somewhere in the middle, like 2.5 grams, added to 25 grams of water, add and mix in well. Rack or filter in 72 hours as directed, and then check and see how you did.
Those are the current directions I have..and they might as well be written in ancient Aramaic..I don’t understand a word of it

Thanks for trying to help though..probably just going to toss the batch

The bench
Those are the current directions I have..and they might as well be written in ancient Aramaic..I don’t understand a word of it

Thanks for trying to help though..probably just going to toss the batch

The bench

Did you read the bottom of my post? It's pretty straight forward, I even did all of the math for you, here it is again................Add 2.5 grams of Reduless to 25 grams of water, mix well, add to your wine, and mix it in.
Wait until 3 days later, rack your wine and see how it smells / tastes.
Based on 1 tsp = 3.1grams you need just a shade over 3/4 tsp for you batch.
3.1 / 4 = .775 so 1/4 tsp is .775 grams roughly
3/4 tsp .775 x 3 = 2.325 grams

And you can retreat with reduless one more time if needed. So if the first treatment doesn't completely cure the problem do it one more time.
My protocol for ridding a case of H2S is to try a few attempts with redulees and if that doesn't work, it is time to hit it with a sledge hammer: pure copper sulfate. This has cured some wine that went on to wine Gold. If you look at the ingredients in redulees it has very small dose of copper. However, it is very important to only add enough copper sulfate to resolve the issue, and no more. You want the copper to precipitate out and not leave any suspended in solution, which is why you should never drop copper pipes, coins, filters etc in your wine.
My protocol for ridding a case of H2S is to try a few attempts with redulees and if that doesn't work, it is time to hit it with a sledge hammer: pure copper sulfate. This has cured some wine that went on to wine Gold. If you look at the ingredients in redulees it has very small dose of copper. However, it is very important to only add enough copper sulfate to resolve the issue, and no more. You want the copper to precipitate out and not leave any suspended in solution, which is why you should never drop copper pipes, coins, filters etc in your wine.

+1 on this.. H2S is a very powerful compound. The amount of H2S that you would be dealing with is VERY small (between 1 and 3 parts per million in most cases). With that in mind, it is very easy to over-treat H2S.