Red raspberry wine

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Jan 25, 2018
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Washington State, USA
My in-laws have an awesome vine/s going in their yard in in the Pacific North West. Already, mid-late June we're getting raspberries off the vines. I'd like to look into making raspberry wine out of it. I found this recipe but it calls for 4lbs of raspberries, and another thread on the forum steered me away from that one. Any suggestions? Thanks!
What I have heard in general terms is that the more fruit you use the better the finished taste. Most recommend about ten pounds per gallon. I made a blackberry wine that was close to ten pounds of fruit per gallon. It turned out well and I was glad I used that much fruit. The less water and more fruit the better the taste.
Also you might search for a thread on blackberry wine in this forum. It is a long read but provides a lot of good information on berry wines that could apply to raspberries. It is called critique/I formation on blackberry wine.
Raspberries are the one fruit that "more is better" does not hold true. Keep raspberries to 3 to 4 lbs per gallon.
I did a 3 gallon batch with 18 lbs of raspberries, sugar to 1.085. Back sweetened to 1.005. I wouldn't add any more berries unless you backsweeten to a higher FG. It is 26 months old at this point and getting pretty good.
The amount, like much of wine making, is a matter of taste. I made a pear wine from a recipe with 4 pounds of fruit and it tasted good with the pear taste coming in more as an after-taste than an up-front taste. I did it agains with 8 pounds and had a more consitent flavor from start to finish. If you add too much fruit it can become more of a dessert wine than a drinking wine; which is not a bad thing if that is what you intend.