Recap your weekend...

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Senior Member
Jan 4, 2008
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Phew... we had a busy weekend here at Lamont Cellars :D
Started off Friday night fighting the weather (3-4" of forecast snow turned into 9") getting the rest of the staining material for the wine rack being built. Saturday was spent getting my new wine rack about 95% completed..


Then Sunday we we bottled our blueberry wines (5 cases), labeled and shrink-capped 7 cases...


... got our family of Blueberry wines all put to bed,

and I completed the last 5% of the rack ....Then today I started filling it up.


Sheesh, the stain is hardly dry and it's already over half full :slp
Well at least it's starting to look like a respectable wine cellar for a wine maker :D


Glad the work week has begun so I can relax a little
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Brian your taller rack looks a lot like several I made. Did you dado the horizontal pieces for the uprights? They look great.
Thanks wolf!
NAH... that would have been too easy only having 130-some rungs to cut/sand/stain instead of the 260 or so I did :( lol.. It's a slightly modified version of pgottshall's plans. I'll have to keep that approach in mind for the next rack :D