Reason to worry?

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Dec 5, 2010
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Ok, I started my third wine kit yesterday. I made a mistake in not making sure everything was included with the kit.

I am making the Mosti Mondaile All Juice Amarone. Per the instructions I added the raisins to the kit today. However, I realized that the kit did not include the yeast nutrient. Per the instructions, I am supposed to add the yeast nutrients when the SG hits around 1.040. Of course I ordered some extra nutrient today but I don't expect I will receive it until Tuesday. If I had a local supply store, I would go buy some but there are none around here.

The kit uses the Lalvin EC 1118 yeast which I had no issues with previously on my other two kits. Should I be concerned? The fermentation is going well so far. The beginning SG was 1.092. This was without the raisins.

Should I just hope everything proceed fine? I guess worse case is that the yeast struggles and I have to worry about H2S.

Is there anything I can do now to help prevent H2S issues? I know nitrogen is needed so I am making sure to punch down the raisins and stirring the must 2-3 times a day.
You dont need the nutrient in this kit. Their instructions are generic for many of their kits and your kit doesnt require the nutrient and I wouldnt add any. Just keep the temp right around 73* and it will ferment just fine. These companies really should make instructions for each particular kit when they give extra for one kit and not another.
You dont need the nutrient in this kit. Their instructions are generic for many of their kits and your kit doesnt require the nutrient and I wouldnt add any. Just keep the temp right around 73* and it will ferment just fine. These companies really should make instructions for each particular kit when they give extra for one kit and not another.

Great news. I am already modifying the instructions. First, I am using a cheesecloth for the raisins. Second, I refuse to rack to a carboy at 1.040. I am not having my closet turn into a grape/wine fountain. I am going to let it ferment dry in the bucket.
Very good, I was just thinking about telling you to not rack at that sg and is why I came back to this post. I actually ferment to dry in bucket almost all the time but lock lid down at around 1.020.
I will let the SG get to about 1.005 in the bucket and then i will rack to the carboy to finish.