Raspberry Wine - 1st attempt

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Bad thing,

Berries can displace well over a gallon so if you make 5 gal once berries are removed you will be short.

Making 6 gallons will require 2 fermenting buckets because of the volume of berries.
So...I stabilized per your recommendation and it has been sitting for 3 weeks. I'm going to rack it for the first time this weekend and monthly as you suggested. I have not yet back sweetened - should I wait and do that closer to bottling or do it now? Also, if I wait 3-6 months since stabilizing before back sweetening, do I need to add sorbate again or is the initial stabilization enough? Thanks.

make sure its stable ,add the simple syrup and more kmet,let it sit and make sure it doesn't referment,add your finding agents and clear,this could take sometime but ,time you have,taste it, is it the taste you want,if not there's time to adjust Raspberry is a wonderful wine when done well,.:br
Racking every month is not really necessary. It should be racked when there is a reason to rack. As long as the wine is stabilized and the airlocks are kept full... they can sit for several months after you rack off the first time. I don't rush mine or try to clear it fast. It needs time to integrate, so I use that time to let it all settle out!

In case you haven't noticed.... there are as many theories on making wine as their are people that make wine!



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