Raspberry underway

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Senior Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Well, I got everything I needed for my first batch of fruit wine, a raspberry that I'll finish dry and probably sweeten a bottle or 2. The fruit is in the primary right now with the sugar water cooling down enough to add the campden tablet per instructions I'm using. Will get the yeast pitched sometime tomorrow night. I can't wait for it to get going so the smell of rotting, errr
, fermenting fruit can fill the air. Here is a pic after I added the sugar water, will keep ya'll posted as to how it is going and tasting
along the way.


Dang that looks good Steve..So what beginning SG are you shooting for and what type of yeast are you going to use and why?
I'm shooting for a SG of around 1.085-1.090, though I may have went a bit over I think, won't test till temp drops to around 70. I'll be using Red Star Pastuer Red yeast.I like that it is used to make full bodied reds and should help enhance the flavor of the berries. Igrew up on fresh raspberries and want something close to what I remember from picking them every summer. My mom stillcans home made raspberry preserves every few years.Also supposed to have a high tolerance for alcohol just in case I overshot my SG a little.

Raspberry wine is one of our favorites, the flavor is so robust...Just fills your mouth with delicious berry flavor....it is like a bowl of fresh berries....
The wine goes well with chocolate!!!
.... ours finishes very dry, I imagine you could sweeten it up with some Wine Conditioner if you don't like it so dry.
We have made a couple batches and added some cans of frozen apple juice in the primary, it didn't change the flavor much, maybe not as dry and a smoother mouthfeel....
Have also made a batch adding WineExpert Red Grape Concentrate, it also finished very dry, a nice red wine that had a wonderful Raspberry flavor.
Lucky for us we can easily grow Raspberries in our area, tho...I think they would grow almost anywhere with little effort other than the pruning chores....

Your going to love your wine!!!!
We are looking at the possibility of moving to TN sometime in the future. If we do that I will start growing my own berries as well as an assortment of vegetables. I really want a garden like we had growing up and the sand here just doesn't work for much of anything but cacti and pine trees. I will see how this batch goes and if I really like it I may make a larger batch. I am using 4.5 pounds of berries although the recipe called for 3-4, if I have a bit left over I'll use a wine bottle for a secondary and save that for top offs, & sampling.
I'm mainly looking for a good strong raspberry flavor, even if I'm the only one that likes it. Hey, I'm the only one that matters anyway.

Hey Steve,

Raspberry wine is very tasty and full of flavors and aromas. I find it a little strong, so I usually ferment it with about 1/3 strawberries. My favorite is a mix of Blackraspberry and strawberry. I bottled a batch 3 months ago and find myself going back every month to see how it is doing. It really wakes your mouth up. I just had two glasses with homemade pizza for supper- the two make a nice compliment to each other.
A little hot, two glasses and I'm feeling it.

Good luck with yours!
Pitched the yeast this morning. Must temp was at 70 and the SG was 1.100,so it mayend up finishing a little hot but I saved a bag of raspberries to make a syrup to sweeten with so I might be able to offsett it a bit. If not, then it's going to be raspberry shooter night at my place

Came home from work this afternoon to a frothy, yeasty batch o' goodness. The little yeasties are chompin' away at the sugar in the and I can hear plenty of fizzin' goin' on. Stirred it as per the directions and could hear even more C02 being released as I did. The directions say to stir every day for a week then to rack to the 'boy, after that they pretty much stop. I figured I would just let it sit in the 'boy for a month then rack to another and continue that for 3-6 months then maybe add a fining agent if it didn't look like it was clearing. I would like to have this bottled for Thanksgiving or Christmas. I think if it is too hot on the alcohol though it may be a bit harsh this year and may need to age till next.

Brandst -- How's the raspberry coming? I just got a bunch of frozen raspberries (from last year -- frozen whole all winter) and am looking for a good (or maybe more than one) recipe. I've got close to 10 lbs of frozen fruit -- did a search and saw this thread!
It's clearing up good, will probably bottle this week when I bottle the riesling that's been ready for more than a month. just got the ice wine style bottles for it along with a floor corker from George the other day.. It looks beautiful, I'll have to dip into it tomorrow to see how the flavor is coming along, maybe take another pic or two. Most of what I have read is to let the wine bottle age for about a year before it really starts to mellow, if it's good that will be very difficult though, but I'll make more. I've gotten a recipe for blueberry from the local shop that will make about 5 gallons, I tasted at her open house last month and it was awsome. I will try that one next, then I'll be ordering a zinfandel and a Island Mist kit, just have to decide on the zin kit.

I love raspberry. That and blackberry are two of my most favorite. I've
been looking into meads alot lately and have been considering a berry
melomel in the near future. good luck with everything and remember that
the rocket fuel gets better with age, or if all else fails drink later
in the evening after lower proof mature vino. Ha
Tasted a little today and it is definately a bit hot. When I first smelled it all I could smell was the alcohol and the same with the taste, let some sit and breath for a few minutes and I could smell and taste the berries then. I think I'm going to pick up some wine conditioner while I'm in town tomorrow and sweeten it just a bit to counter the high alcohol, should make a great dessert wine in about six months. I plan on bottling in 375ml ice wine style bottles and will post pics when it's bottled.

Steve, were you happy with the Red Star pasteur yeast? I was thinking of the Lalvin RC 212 for the same reasons you mentioned in your first posts. Do you think that contributed to the "hot-ness?" I'd like to finish dry to semi-dry, but with the raspberry flavor.

Just curious on your thoughts at this point.

I think the biggest contribution to the high ABV was my high starting SG, though without using a high tolerance yeast it would have stopped on it's own. There is some raspberry flavor in there, that is what I was going for, and the color is just beautiful. I think the next time I do a batch I'll experiment with a different yeast that isn't as tolerant to maybe finish off-dry of semi-sweet without adding conditioner. Maybe I'll pour another taste later tonight and top off with some of what I set aside for vinegar, which I think will be awesome when blended with some EVOO and Balsamic for a dressing/marinade. I'll have to come up with a nice recipe and post it in the food section when all is done. Maybe a raspberry theme night using them in every course, not every dish, though that could be done.


Also, to answer your initial question, yes. I am happy with the way the yeast performed, they did everything I chose them for. I'd give 'em medals if I could, but they'll have to settle for me toasting with their hard work.

Edited by: Brandst