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Senior Member
Apr 3, 2005
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We tried one of the wines I got at Winestock this spring. Ramona gave me a White Zinfendal. I made a rotini alfedo w/mushrooms and 3 cheeses. I baked it in the microwave because there was no way I was going to fire up the oven!
It's just too hot! We're at 99 degrees w/a dew point of 72.

It was a very nice wine and between the wine, pasta and heat, I'm ready for a nap!
Have you ever tried the grill for baking?
I love the quality of presentation that Ramona gets the bottle looks marvellous. I'll bet the wine matched it for quality.
Wow the colors are great together, plate, wine, tablecloth!!

Very nice PWP and Bert!!! Post your recipe!!

I cooked up a cheap can of mushrooms w/olive oil and garlic. I like the mushrooms to be getting good and brown. Tossed in the jar of alfredo sauce, sprinked in a little nutmeg, and then added cut up pepper cojack and cheddar cheese. Added the cooked rotini noodles, poured it into a a sprayed pan, topped with more cheddar & parmesan cheese. Baked it for about 8 minutes in the nuke box.
I've thought about using the grill for baking, but haven't tried it yet. The grill is over 10 yrs old and limping along. I can buy a really nice wine kit for the price of a new grill, so I have to have my priorities!
Beautiful wine, great tablecloth, I would like to get a tablecloth, soon as I get a table..
Isn't that your new tablecloth? The one you picked up for 50 cents? It all looks really good.
The forum is for my customers and guests. If I feel I need to add something, I will; otherwise, I leave it up to my moderators to keep threads on topic and to advise me whenmy knowledge is required. Fortunately, I have some very talented wine makers to answer most of the questions which allows me to focus my efforts on running the business.
my mouth is watering. Looks like ZITI though??? Who cares-- MMMMMMMMMMMM great cooking there.