Raising brix with honey

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Senior Member
Feb 10, 2010
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I think I read somewhere that for the purposes of raising brix, honey is equivalent to table sugar by weight. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
No it is not.

Tabgle sugar is plain sugar.
Honey consist of about 10% water.

So when adding honey to raise brix level you can generally add about 10% more honey as plain sugar to get to the same level.

The calculation is in fact a bit more difficult, however explaining and calculating that in cups and pounds is really hell (please move over to the far easier metric system....). So adjusting by adding 10% is the easiest way.

I already use metric for most of my calculations for the reasons you listed.
Thanks for Tht Luc as Ive been missing from the forum the last 2 days and didnt know the answer to that one anyway to be honest!
Turns out I needed a lot more than 10% extra. No big deal though because you can always add more.
I've read that honey varies in concentration from batch to batch also.
I've read that honey varies in concentration from batch to batch also.

very true, my aunt coming over today makes honey (and she's bring some :) ) and she complained about this years is so wet.

Luc> i agree totally with going metric! Us stubborn americans don't give an inch on anything. lol. at work, i have to deal with fractions and decimals of an inch. it's very annoying as the machines are all in decimals, but my tape (i work a large band saw and cut to the 1/64") reads inches and fractions of. that's not even going into all the wine calculations we do either! which is my other job now :)
Speaking of metric, what is the metric formula for raising SG with table sugar? The only one I have uses oz & Brix.