Racking using a Mity-Vac ???

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Senior Member
Mar 15, 2010
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Has anyone tried using a hand held Mity-Vac (brakebleeder)to vacuum rack. Just wondering if you could manually maintain the level of pressure by monitoring the gauge and be able to draw the wineto receivingcarboy. Doesn't seem to need a lot of pressure to start pulling wine on a regular pump. Maybe, use and extended hose to the Mityvac to catch any residual wine?
It would rack but take way too much hand pumping to be practicle. Think of it as the small pump it is. Pulling a vac on a sealed filled container is easy, but to keep the wine flowing would require a stroke for about each ounce. One of these retired engineers with too much time can figure out exactly how many pump strokes would be required.
If this is a hand pump brake bleeder I wouldn't do it either. I used one just for degassing and believe me your hand will be tired before finished. When mine broke I switched to a vacuum pump.
A medical aspirator pump is the way to go as you can rack, degas, filter and bottle your wine with on e and you can get them cheap on Ebay.
Thanks, just wondering if anyone had actually tried this before. Guess I'll keep lifting carboys for now.