Question - What Causes A Yeast Smell?

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Jan 16, 2012
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Greetings All

In my young wine making hobby so far I've made one kit and a gallon of Cherry / Pom from concentrate (still aging) and a 5 gallon Skeeter Pee batch with the Cherry / Pom slurry.

The SP fermented dry Feb 3rd (SG .996) and Racked

Feb 18th backsweetened and added a 1/2 can of Cherry / Pom concentrate just for an extra hint of flavor. Though I did end up using a lot more sugar than the recipe for my tasting at that time. Not sure that's normal or not.

Haven't had any signs of fermentation since the 18th about 3 weeks ago.

The batch is still in the Carboy bulk aging as I'm still gathering bottles for it.

I broke down and took a sample last night.

The SP tasted okay. Surprisingly I thought it would take more lemony. Not much lemon and just a hint of cherry / pom. Not real flavorful but would be a good drink served cold in summer as everyone says.

However, the only odd thing is that there is a slight yeast smell to the sample.

Is this normal? Or what would cause this?

Thanks for the responses.
Splash rack or degas it. You didn't list your recipe but did you add sulfite? Did you stir often during fermentation?
I used the recipe right off SkeeterPee.Com

Yes I added KMeta.

I didn't stir it at all during fermentation. I did stir it with my mixer when adding the sugar or the recipe said to vigorously mix it. (All per recipe)

I degassed it this way by mixing too.

What does stirring during fermentation gain me?

And I'll have to check what Splash racking mean but I'm guessing just a racking operation where you let it spash around a lot.

At the very least degassing is easy with that drill mounted mixer!

Would I have to degas, wait and repeat several times? Or should once do it? (Just curious)
After you have sulfited and sorbated it, you would also add Lemonade concentrate, I will usually add about 5 or 6 defrosted cans of it right before clearing to give it more of a lemony (or you could use lime) kick.
You need to stir frequently during fermentation. This will air out the must. Prob. the reason for your smell. See How to splash rack in the tutorial section on home page.

I would recommend racking again and see what happens now. I wouldn't splash rack now unless it was too bad.
Interesting. Definately things to learn for the future.

Adding lemon concentrate after sorbating would certainly explain why I had to add extra sugar. I just added a simple syrup per the recipe.

Maybe if there there's time to degas this guy and get another batch going I'll get that lemonade flavor. Or go buy second carboy *oh darn*.

Thanks for the help!
Smart @$$ answer: The yeast smell is caused by yeast. Sorry could not help myself