Pumpkin Wine

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Sep 11, 2008
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Need an answer about a pumpkin wine I made last fall. Was poor in keeping records and forgot if I added stabilizer. Any ill affects if it is added twice.
K-meta should be added again as that will dissipate over time. I would add the sorbate again if you are going to sweeten this wine. It is possible that you may get a little off flavor from this but it will most likely get hidden by te sweetening if there is an off flavor at all.
thank-you, that was what i thought but just wanted a little re assuring.
If you are not going to sweeten this wine and there is very little residual sugar then i would skip the sorbate myself.
I've spiced the wine and intendto sweeten and don't want any bottle bombs.Something in the back of my mind tells me I've stabilized however my poor excuse of notes do not show the addition.
Didnt notice that you are new to this forum. Welcome Bob and truly hope you stay and hang with us. We are a very friendly bunch who love pictures so dont be shy with showing us your mug and your wine.
Thanks, I've lurked around this site for a little over a year and could usually find my answer reading others posts. Finally had a reason to hit the register button.
Nothing in primary right now. These are what I'am waiting to finish.

5gallons blackberry
3 gallons blackberry (ready to bottle)5 gallons blueberry
5 gallons wild plum/cherry
3 gallons wild plum
5 gallons strawberry
4 gallons apple
3 gallons elderberry
3 gallons door county cherry
3 gallons pumpkin
3 gallons peach
3 gallons wild plum
2 gallons choke cherry (ready to bottle)

Now if only some of them will finish so I can to start to enjoy my obsession (oops I meant hobby)
Been making for a little overa year and I've only been able to get 2 batches to complete to bottle yet. Raspberry and a Wild Grape.
What exactly do you mean by able to complete? Hopefully you just mean that your letting time do its thing on clearing and no other problems. If you are having any other problems please dont be afraid to list them so we may figure it out and all learn from it!
These two particular winesfermented and cleared quickly and I was able to bottle them. Both small batches and almost gone.
wow that is quite a bit in the works! I just bottled my pumkin spice wine that I started a year ago. Primary fermentation was very slow to start but then went very fast so the wine is pretty strong (my calculation is about 18% - which may be wrong - not sure what i am doing) - its tastes pretty good but needs a tad more time to smooth - I did not sweeten and think I may try that next time. Let me know how your pumkin tastes. The flavor is very light - which pumkin flavor seems to be that way.

My pumpkin still has a slight off taste to it yet. Better than the commercial bottle I bought last year, but still not as I expected. It is getting better with each raking.

Has anyone had success using canned pumpkin instead of whole pumpkins.
The pumkin I made was from canned pumkin - I found the recipe online - I would have to dig up my notes but I think I started it with 1.08 and ended with .992 - I sweetened it a couple times and may not have put in enough stabilizer or something cuz it tastes really strong = Its getting better with each bottle I open, but it being my first "from scratch" I am sure it has some mistakes. It just tastes very alcoholy - and has quite a kick- it almost goes down like a sake (warm and tingly)
If it refermented then the bottles would be carbonated and woulod most likely push out the corks like a batch of Plum that I made last year!
I meant in the carboy - not after bottling

I am probably wrong - it is just barely a year old so it probably just needs more time to mellow out

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