Primary Fermentation - to lid or not to lid?

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May 5, 2012
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I'm sure I'm opening a can of worms, but I'm three kits in now and am starting to learn a bit - and have a couple of questions - this one is about primary fermentation and the use of the plastic lid on my bucket with airlock.

I read some people that say to just put a towel over the bucket, others say to set the lid on top, but not to snap it down, while others say to snap it down and use the airlock...I'm so confused. I wonder if there has been a poll done on this?

So, is there a clear recommendation on this phase of fermentation, or is this really part of the art that requires experimentation and tuning to ones own liking?

I wonder - what does the classic french wine making process have to say on this?

Thanks for any clarification!
some people snap the lid down and use an airlock because they have a pet in the house and don't want the pet in their wine. I'm really not sure why others snap down the lid.

I use a towel and lay the lid on top but do not snap down. My reasoning is to allow oxygen to get into my must and it is a whole lot easier to stir when you don't have to unsnap the lid.
Thanks Julie, that makes sense - making it easier to stir is a great point! I have another question posted on SG, but if you are doing the method you've noted, do you decide on when to transfer and use the airlock just on the bubbles, based on SG, or just a certain amount of time?
i do the same sorta, I cover top with piece of old pillowcase, cut to fit with about 2 inch overhang, then i secure with large rubberband around outside.
works for me, then i just wash them when done.
Always make decisions based on sg never by bubbles
I was a little to hard headed to ask that question when I started out. Consequently two kits later and snapping down time after time when stirring I now have a damaged lid. Not that it matters because I learned its not needed.
I use loose lid with towel on top till almost dry 1.02 or 3. Then snap down and add airlock till dry.