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Another fan of pin ups!!!!! I'm not alone! Lol

Nice looking label!! Have you seen any of Gil Elvgren's work?

I too am a fan of Elvgren! And Zoe Mozert. I have some of her work in my bathroom.

Nope, definitely not alone tatud4life:b
rezod11 said:
I too am a fan of Elvgren! And Zoe Mozert. I have some of her work in my bathroom.

Nope, definitely not alone tatud4life:b

That's awesome!! I'll have to check Zoe Mozert out!
Here is a label I am considering. I just liked the colors.

I saw this one! I liked it but didn't realize that was a Mozert. Very nice work! Love the label, but I bet the wine is better!

Wine turned out nice.............Just took up the habit, I mean hobby, this summer and it was the first of wine for me, am planning another batch of strawberry, I think with what I've learned on here it will be even better.

Here is a label I made for my triple berry, it is a Harry Ekman pinup, my friend used to drive a maroon 66 Impala and we nicknamed it Red Dog, so I always liked the name and the painting went will it good too.

There are some great labels all in this thread. The pin up girls are just flat out cool.
Fantastic, everyone! The labels are great! I'm going to have to do a pin-up label, now! I can see the wife rolling her eyes already! :re
I love the labels made by kids. When the grandkids get a little bigger, I'm puttin' them to work! Anyways, here's a redue of my Washington Merlot label. It's in the carboy clearing. Johnna said it is so dark, that I should name it "Midnight Merlot"....and here it is...


I really like this label Dave.
Thanks, Tom. I enjoy making them. Like most of the folks, here, it's a great part of the fun of wine making for me.

Behold, my first attempt at a pin up label! I've had a recent request for another batch of my Sweet Strawberry Tart (strawberry skeeter pee), so I'm redoing the label...

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Noontime said:
That's a great label QuinnyRI, it reminds me of one of my favorite labels we did for a customer. A naive style can be so endearing.

That's great! I'm going to enlist my wife, a graphic designer, in the future, but for this first batch and in the Xmas spirit we had some fun with it!
Quinn's Zin is coming up in a few months so I'll post that when it's done. Oh, and General Rochambeau's Merlot. I know, tacky names but who cares. Ha!
I had to change the name of my dragon blood and red dragon for the ladies at my wife's job, I made them a little more general population friendly and made a few very simple labels.

Berry Delight Label.jpg

Berry Bliss Melomel.png