Porto, Portwein, autumn wine

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Aug 1, 2011
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My biggest project of this year has begun! I was reading few times about making portwein from fruit. Portwein I mean very strong [18-20%] and sweet as well. Very essential with rich flavor and aroma. Original wine is made from grapes but I will use wild fruit. I saw original recipe and I was reading reviews of people who had a chance to drink the wine. Only positive opinions! I made few changes mostly because of fruit I can use. Here is my recipe:

For 25L
Rosa canina + Crataegus 6,3kg
Aronia [chokeberries] 1kg
European Cornel 1,5kg
Black cherry 4kg
Elderberry 1-2l of ready wine from elderberries
Raisins 400g
Oak chips
Nut extract

I am making this wine step by step. I collect fruit and start primary fermentation. I couldn’t get all fruit at one time with black cherry and European cornel. I was fermenting it for 2 days with some water then I squeezed fruit. I put the fruit into some water and left it over night. The juice went to the main carboy. The same way I did with chokeberries and tomorrow I will start with rosa canina and crataegus. Every time I am adding some sugar and when all juice will be in the carboy I will add raisins and oak chips. Oak chips will replace ageing in the barrel. At the end I am going to add nut extract what will make the wine stronger [19-20%] also it gives the wine quality of old wine! Some elderberry wine to get the taste I am looking for. Big project but I am very excited about it.

Does anyone have experiences with making wine like this?
No such experience, here. Sounds like you are having fun, though. Keep us informed about how it all turns out.
I'm working on a plum/syrah based port right now. VERY small batch and concerned with the starting SG (1.14, which will yield 17%ish on its own). Using a sturdy enough yeast, but debating fortifying, I still have a few days to decide...

I love your recipe, though! Ambitious, would love to hear how it turns out.

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