Plastic Bins

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Jul 23, 2019
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Hi Everyone,

Is anyone aware of a good source for macro-bin at a reasonable cost? The bins themselves
are not that expensive but the shipping cost is insane. I have a residential address which makes
it even worse. I'm located in Idaho so there's not many resources for this kinda stuff. I guess I could
take a road trip to Washington or CA but sheesh.

I need to transport 1/4 ton of grapes at a time.



Personally, I use small totes. (link example -- note, I buy mine in smaller batches so costs me 5x more per tote, but I don't need 150 of them). The grapes come direct from the vineyard in the totes, and they stack, and so can fit in to a pickup bed, or in a car, trailer for a tractor, or even a wheelbarrow. And are less prone to crush grapes, such as the bottom grapes in a macro bin. And I just take each tote, and easily dump its contents into the crusher. And repeat. No intermediate steps needed in grape transfer.

I just took in today 300 liters of grapes (that is about 70 gallons) in today's harvest all in such totes. And that is just a small fraction of my yearly harvest.