RJ Spagnols Pinot Noir - After taste

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Sep 24, 2010
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Completed a Dashwood Pinot Noir kit, bottled, and aged for about a year. Went through the first five bottles within a month, or so, and loved the taste. Had a very obvious "cherry/rasberry" hint of flavor. The sixth bottle, however, had a strange wood/cork after-taste....Not sure how the flavor of this bottle could have been so different that the previous five bottles.........worried about what the rest of the batch will taste like
Any possible explanations?
What kind of corks did you use? Sounds like a possible bad cork.
As I read this one thing came to mind- cork taint. Generally it only happens once in a while and only when real corks are used (mostly with whole real cork). Only one way to know for sure, drink 'em all and keep track.
As already written, it sounds like cork taint. Hopefully, it is that one isolated bottler and not all the rest. Sadly, there is only one way to find out.

Rather than guessing and potentially giving away bad wine, I'd consider opening every bottle and rebottling, but get some answers first. Get as much info on cork taint as you can. Maybe a friend has smelled it and can identify it again.

Did you by chance use any chlorine during sanitizing or cleaning?
Supposedly there was a way to get rid of that cork taint taste using plastic wrap in your wine. Cant remember where I read about but know I did so if it is more then one bottle Google it!
They are real corks......Makes me wonder if it's worththe extra cost...I'll make my way through the other bottles and see if was an isolated bad cork..............thanks for the feedback
Please let us know what you find out, John. This is a fascinating topic!!
Thanks Rich for digging that up and glad I remembered it as now that we know it was real corks it seems important and hope it isnt needed and just the one bottle.

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