ph meter newbe needs advice

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Senior Member
Oct 16, 2010
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I just received my hanna ph tester and it looks like I will also need several types of solutions for calibration, cleaning and storage. Do I really need all of these or can I get by with just the two calibration solutions?
Also these solutions are available in a single use packet or a larger container for multiple use. How often does the meter need to be calibrated? Should I get the larger or smaller calibration solutions.
Could I use distilled water in place of the 7.0 calibration solution?
Any advice or input is greatly appreciated.
Yes you do need the storage solution to keep the bulb wet during storage. It is a good idea to soak the meter before use for a while in distilled water, then calibrate.

I use the two point calibration solutions and it works fine for me. I have found that I need to use new solution to get the best results, so I use the small packets. If you get the larger bottles, don't ever put any solution back into the bottle once you use it.

Distilled water is not 7 pH because it has disolved CO2 in it, so you can't use it to calibrate.
If you can find a small (50ml) plastic container with a good screw on lid you can pour your buffer into it and cap it. You should get at least 6 months and perhaps even a year out of it depending on how often you open it. Always rinse your probe well with distilled water before and after and gently wipe the excess off with a tissue before you insert into your buffer solution. You really only need a single point calibration for wine that being pH 4. Ideally you would want to bracket your standards between the expected values of your test samples. So if you really wanted an accurate pH analysis for wine you would bracket between pH 3 and pH 4 since that is the range almost all grape based samples will be in. Fruit based "country" wines may be out of this range however.
I know the directions are very small but if you can read them. Keep the probes moist and check them from time to time as it will dry out.

I have 2 very small glass containers for the solution used to calibrate the unit, they were probably sample jelly jars and hold maybe 2-3 ounces each. Wide enough to get the probes into. Finding something small with a wide mouth can be tough, everythings plastic now. Dig around.

Keep the unit in a cool dark area, sunlight will warm the unit up and dry out the cap with the solution. Stand it upright too.

Check the tutorial section located on the home page, there is info there on ph meters and how to check your acid too. Here are 2 links for you.

Do not store it in distilled water. You can store it in 4.01 solution. Wade called the company about that.

Take care of it and it will last a long time.
Thanks for all the informative replys everyone.
The needed solutions have now been ordered.