Pear wine question!!

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Nov 5, 2010
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I just racked my 1 gallon pear wine and i know it needs to clear.....

lRoughly how many rackings do i have to look forward to, before it starts to show some clarity???

Hi Monty,

Welcome to winemakingtalk. That is a loaded question and no one answer. I have had wines clear within 6 weeks and others that would take 9 months and several rackings.

You should post your recipe and what you did with sg readings for anyone here to be able to give you a good guess.
Pear wine;

4lb pears
6pts Water
4 Cups sugar
2 1/2 tsp Acid Blend
1/2 tsp Pectic Enzyme
1 tsp Nutrient
1 Campden Tablet
1 pkg Yeast

The S.G. before removing the straining bag was 1.035-1.040.
The S.G. before racking is 1.000 and very very cloudy ....

i know its a waiting game that what good wine is all about....Patience!! :d
I make pear and was wondering what the starting gravity was?
That being said once you stabilize it will start to clear. I do feel that you are low on #'s per gal. So I suggest you get at least 2#' and make a f-pac then add the 2 part clearing agent (super-kleer) and it will need back sweetening.
Thanks Tom, i was just corrected by not only you but my fiance too! lol

i used 6lbs of pears, anything else you think looks a little funky? :a1
I would not add sugar blindly and add only if tested by hydrometer.
TA should be tested not blindly added. (not sure if you just added it)
For a good calc try this
Just add volumes and it will tell you how much sugar. Shoot for no higher than 1.085.
When adding sugar remove the liquid from the frementor. Heat it and add sugar, stir over heat till dissolved, add.
I just checked out that programe. Trully awsome; very helpfull tool. In fact I think it could make a great app for my pod .... lol :tz
my next question, when racking wine I'm running low on my spare wine to add to top off batch to 1 gallon, what is good to top off a pear wine? some sort of white grape juice?

how about other fruit wines? is there a good general juice could use that doesn't have an overpowering flavor to top carboys off?

Why not rack to a smaller carboy and gal jugs
Well i understand that part but i always read what people add to get rid of headspace within the carboy or container they racked into....

since fruit wines create alot more lees and require alot more racking and clearing, would an few fine strainings (not filtering/polishing) do the trick?

maybe some custom made mason jar lids will be perfect for small batches less than a gallon, eh Tom?
not sure what you mean. Filtering is done after the wine is clear to "polish" it. Filtering is not used to clear wine. Either Time or clearing agents will do that
not sure what you mean. Filtering is done after the wine is clear to "polish" it. Filtering is not used to clear wine. Either Time or clearing agents will do that

so what your saying is if i rack the wine through a fine mesh filter it wont help the wine clear and eliminate the amount of sediment that builds up on the bottom?
yes, it will only take some of the clumps and add more O2 which you dont want. Let it be for 3-4 weeks add clearing agents and wait till you have a good solid sediment on the bottom before you rack again.
Remember the 2 "P's"