Peanut Butter Caramel Apple cider

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Senior Member
Dec 4, 2009
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So over the 4th we spent the weekend with our daughter in Carlisle. One of the places we went to was Hershey winery, the service was terrible in their wine tasting room but they had this peanut butter caramel apple cider. This was very tasty. You tasted the caramel, apple and finished with peanut butter.

Since I have more apples than I know what to do with, I am going to play with a peanut butter caramel apple wine. I figured I would make an apple wine, backsweeten with caramel but am at a lost on how to get the peanut butter flavor. I wasn't sure if adding peanut butter was a good thing but wasn't sure about add peanuts.

Anyone have any ideas?
I don't know how they added the p-butter taste, but I do think you are going to have a bit of an oil film problem if you add peanut butter. Straight peanuts also have an oil in them. Thinking out loud, maybe make an extract with peanuts but would that give you apeanut butter taste? Just my 2 cents. Arne.
In brewing, a lot of recipes that call for a peanut butter taste use PB2, which is essentially powdered peanut butter.
I'll second Mike's suggestion. I've used their orange oil in one of my meads and it was delicious, no off flavours, and no oily film. LorAnn is the best!
I agree with wineinmd. I see that my local supermarket now sells PB2 (or a version of this) on their shelves next to the peanut butter.
Thanks! I knew you guys would come thru for me. I'll let everyone know what I end up using and how it comes out.
Looks like two batches Julie. :)

One with extract and one with PB2.
Lol, yea I was thinking two batches. I have a health store near by and they have a lot of extracts. I am thinking of checking them out and seeing if they have a caramel extract as well.
They also sell a defatted peanut flour on Amazon, though I would aim for more of a pecan and caramel combo with apples, a hint of oak in the background, dont forget to add some vanilla beans or would toasted pecan (or peanut shells) be better than oak? WVMJ
Oh WVMOUNTAINEER you had to make suggestions! Now I think I am going to make a couple of different batches. Love the idea about caramel and pecan and never thought of using peanut shells but I'm doing it now!

You are easily led astray:) Those Southern guys have boiled peanuts in the shell but that might taste to much like wet cardboard? WVMJ