Peach Wine Question

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Aug 5, 2011
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I am making a Peach Wine for the 1st time, the in-laws love it so I figure I would give it a try. I have looked over about a half dozen recipes and some say to remove the stone and the red meat of the peach that is around where the stone sat and some do not say to remove that meat only the stone.....any advice of pro's or cons of this?


I just removed the pit. That's the big concern. I don't think it would make a difference on the rest.

I'll be honest, I take the easy way out and use frozen peaches. I never have to worry about any of the stoning or having them brown on

Be prepared to let it bulk age a long time to drop out all the sediment. It will be worth the wait though.

to remove or not to remove

Be sure to use a lot of peaches to get a good flavor out of it! Also, use more pectic enzyme then you normally would with other wines.
Use 6-7#'s per gallon
Sugar to 1.085
At least 6 mos to bottle
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Agree with Wade
ITA with Wade. I started with 6 gallons, and am down to 4 now. Will bottle soon. LOADS of sediment though!
Didn't turn out to bad, about a 7 out of 10 right now and will hopefully improve with a year or so in the bottle.
Time and practice makes prefect. How many lbs pre gallon did you use?
Started off with a bushel and a half of peaches, it made a 5 gal batch. Also threw in a gallon of raspberries from the backyard. The berries gave the wine a nice color. I think if I had frozen the peaches first I could have gotten a better yield of peach juice.
We made a batch that was just bottled.
we used 10 pounds of peaches and some peach/white welches juice to six gallons.
its about 5 months old now and just gets better with every bottle.