Other peoples wines

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Last night my wife and I opened and finished Julie's Elderberry Blush and it went down really nice! :br
First of all, Julie and Mike – thank you for opening your home to all of us. You two are the ultimate hosts and I think everyone enjoyed themselves immensely. The food and hospitality left absolutely nothing to be desired. It was great getting to meet everyone outside the online world. Looking forward to future events with everyone and will extend an invitation to any and all to stop in for a visit next time you are in my area.
Thanks to everyone who worked on getting door prizes. I was the lucky recipient of the South Hills gift certificate and am excited to see what their store is like. Will probably spend way more than the certificate by the time I’m done.
It was so much fun, and a good experience, to taste test everyone else’s wines. Even though everyone has a different palate when it comes to what they like, it’s great to get feedback from other people. Thanks to everyone who complimented my wines. Several of the wines people liked were ones that I personally didn’t think were good; however, my wife and family members told me I was wrong about my opinions. Guess I just have a different taste from most other people.
I didn’t try nearly as many wines as I wanted to. Unfortunately, I was recovering from a nasty bout of heat exhaustion, after working long hours outside all week long. I was so under the weather Friday night that we had serious doubts about whether or not we were going to be able to go, but I didn’t want to miss it. Thankfully, I felt a lot better by Saturday morning, but I was still pretty dehydrated and didn’t want to tempt fate too much by overdoing the winetasting.

Julie’s Skeeter Pee was really good and my wife and son really liked her strawberry melon wine. I’m not much of a melon person myself, by my wife says this is the perfect summer wine.
Steve (Winethief) brought a dry red wine, I can’t remember the name off the top of my head, but I remember it started with a “B.” While dry wines aren’t mine and my wife’s favorites, our future daughter-in-law is a dry wine fanatic and she raved about it. We’re looking forward to opening the White Merlot he gave us – Merlot is one of my wife’s favorite wines.

Dan (Xanax86) – we enjoyed your bottle of Pinot Noir with dinner last night. A really good wine.

Doug (FFEMT) – I know we tried several of your wines, but can’t remember the names right now. We have your bottle of Black Raspberry Merlot chilling right now so that we can have it with dinner tomorrow.

Dan (Running Wolf) – My wife is still raving over your Blackberry Merlot and she’s talking about breaking into your wine cellar to steal more next time we are in the area. We’re anxious to try the bottle of Reisling you gave us, too.
Well tell your wife she isn't breaking into his cellar without me, I have a list written up so we can get in and out real quick. :tz

Glad you enjoyed yourselves, we really like having get togethers and this one was real nice. Mike won the other South Hills gift certificate and he keeps telling me to get what I want but I'm telling him he needs to get some more grain. Sue and Runningwolf's friend, Paul, are expecting more beer from him. :)
Well tell your wife she isn't breaking into his cellar without me, I have a list written up so we can get in and out real quick. :tz

She says "I'm up for it let me know when and where to meet"

PS. She has already had a tour of the place!:)
I just realized all you guys from Julie's party are on this thread. Sorry I'm late, I kept wondering why nobody was posting on the western pa party thread :slp. lol

I'm a little hard pressed to remember many specific wine's that I tasted at the party, a lot of them were new to me as I have done very few of the fruit wines, but everything that I tried was quite good. (I have crs, so I'm thinking of taking a few notes next time.)
I do remember Julies skeeter pee cause that was my driver off the first tee. ( I also recieved some to take home...thank you.) And fortunately I was able to have a bottle of Mike's Irish Red beer. I liked it well enough that when I get an open carboy this fall, I'll be doing my first beer kit.
I am happy to have met you all, and hope my wife can make it next time as well. she would have liked to be there.:b

Rodo, I think that dry wine you are talkng about was 'chamBourcin'. The only other one I had was a pinot.
Wade, the white merlot was a w.e. kit, and the pineapple that is being referred to is from your recipe here on the forum, so in a way, you were there! :r

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Ive had the W.E. White Merlot as I traded with a local forum member a long time ago and its been on my make list forever. I instead just bought the Cellar Craft International White Merlot kit and its bubbling away nicely as we type. Glad the Pineapple was a hit!
Well Steve you have to stop in more often, :db I finished off your pinot noir tonight with some burgers, I really liked it. Nice flavor. Tomorrow I will have Xanxer's Malbec and then I just need to drink up Runningwolf's skeeter pee that I have in the frig and I will be done with the open bottles of wine, whew, this has been a rough job.
Well Steve you have to stop in more often, :db I finished off your pinot noir tonight with some burgers, I really liked it. Nice flavor. Tomorrow I will have Xanxer's Malbec and then I just need to drink up Runningwolf's skeeter pee that I have in the frig and I will be done with the open bottles of wine, whew, this has been a rough job.

You know wer'e all rooting for you Julie.;):D
Steve I didn't get a chance to tell you how much I loved the Pineapple and your white merlot. they were awesome. As far as you ladies go with breaking into my wine cellar, fullfill my dream of finding two lovely ladies in my wine cellar sometime when I walk in! There's no lock on the door! Heck you don't even have to go by way of Switzerland! :db
Tonight I had a glass of Xanxer's Malbec, omg let me say this again OMG IS THAT GOOD. WOW, dry wines are not my first pick but I would pick this one in a heart beat. Kudos to you Dan, you did a good job on this.

I never drank Malbec before but when you first taste it you taste the dryness with a really nice grape taste then the finish is almost a sweet finish. I read somewhere if you have the acid balanced right in a dry red wine, the wine would almost taste sweet. Dan just proved that to me. This is now on my list to make.
I would have told Wade and Dan they had to go to the corner with Nikki but those two would be telling her she had to take her clothes off!!
I would have told Wade and Dan they had to go to the corner with Nikki but those two would be telling her she had to take her clothes off!!

:hug :) By golly girl you are starting to read our minds!