Orange Banana,,,,

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Oct 21, 2009
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Orange Banana

10 Oranges
1 Lbs Banana's including skins
1/2 lbs raisins
3 lbs of sugar
1 Gallon of water
Yeast nutrient
wine Yeast (Lalvin k1v116
Pectin Enzine

Typical recipe, oranges I put thru a juicer and kept he pulp, boiled the peels 30 minutes, chopped banana's and raisins. Sugar was dissolved in hot but not boiling water. Pecting added 24 hours later.

My fermenting bucker is placed on a warmer, actually a heating pad for animals. the temps around 72 degree's. there is a great smell, lots of foam, etc. My starting Spec Gravity starting point is 1950, and three day's later it is at 1625.

I have not seen fermenting wine SG go down so fast, is this normal? But then my first to wines I have made have not been on a heating pad.

My other question is should I have added some acid blend? it never called for it but then it never called for Pectin either.

As usual love the advice here, so fire away..............................

2 gallons home grown pear wine, 2009 bottled and aging (minus 2 bottles,,,dranken)
1 gallon store bought pear wine 2009 (2nd racking- clearing up nicely)
I question boiling the skins. The white stuff is bitter I would rather you add the zest and not boil it.
Have you made this yet? Sounds refreshing
Whats the gravity readings? Are you reading it right? NO way you got those readings.
yup it said that

Yup it said to " Place orange peels and a quart of water in a sauce pan and simmer for 30 minutes" I did remove about 75% of them after thinking about it.

Oh well, I was bored waiting for my rhubard to grow, and the strawberries to come in as well. This is a purely expermental making, figure its a wine to give to the inlaws when they come over...LMAO.
hmmmmm missed typed...bad eyes

I wwas wrong the should be differant shgouldhave used my glass's both to type and read....

They should be 1.09 and 1.06,,,,,,sorry all...
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This sounds like it could be a delightful wine but question the peels. I used limes with my strawberry last year and they overpowered the entire flavor. Not nice at all. It should be interesting to see how it comes out.

yeah it will be interesting, first this wine was purely and experment, I got bored waiting for my home grown fruit to grow... So I tried this recipe,,, cant hurt to work on my skill's. Worst I can do is give it to my relatives...

I did remove the peels after the first 24 hours.. I know I should have asked here first,,, So time will tell, The fermenting seems to be done, I will check the SG a few more times then do the first racking, I will post a picture once I get the racking done.

At the present time I have been only making one gallon at a time till I get my skill down pat, as well as good recipes. Figure start slow the work up to a 5 gallon batch at a time.