Other Opti-Red, Booster Rouge, Biolees, glycerin?????

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Senior Member
Jul 4, 2011
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I'm really interested in seeing how to anticipate the effect of these additives to red kits. I would like to try to enhance the drinkability (i.e. reduced KT in younger wines) of mid range red kits. I am thinking of the 15 liter kits like WE Luna Rossa or the 10 liter kits like the RJS Vieux Chateau du Roi.

I've searched the forums, and although there are quite a few references to all of these additives, I was hoping someone could describe the differences in effect, what wines benefit, and how to use them - or if they really work on these types of kits. Thanks
You would be better off buying the higher end kits than trying to improve the lower end ones.

Opti-red is not for kits. It works on the skins/pulp of the grapes.
Biolees is pretty much a softener; it helps take the bite out of something like a Chardonnay. It also can leave a slight sweet taste.

Glycerin is to add a little mouth feel or body to a wine. Use it sparingly as it can make the wine taste very sweet very quickly.

It is fun to experiment with these additives, but they are not going to make a bad kit good. Go with the better, bigger kits.
Most of those additives ( except glycerin) are designed for fresh fruit/grapes. we just brought in quite a few of those for the home wine maker. There are so many additives that are designed for winerys and not the home wine maker but we are changing that.