Mosti Mondiale Oops! I goofed . . .

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Feb 17, 2008
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Well, I'm not sure if I REALLYGOOFED or just goofed . . .

I went in to do my daily check - just as I did yesterday. I checked the Specific Gravity (1.087) and the temp (71 F) - this all at the 48 hour after start mark. Then - again, as I did yesterday - I whipped out the Fizz mixer/drill combo and started mixing. Ooops! Major mistake - it started foaming up and very nearly overflowed the fermenter. Guess I shouldn't have done that. But the question is - did I harm the wine?

Yesterday's reading (at the 24 hour mark) was 1.088 and 67 F.

Did I mess up bad??

Cheers from the sunny - but cool - Chesapeake Bay!
No Major you didn't mess up, but if it fizzes over, you will make a mess. You don't want to use the stirrer every day-only when mixing the juice to get started. It is producing gas as it ferments and will foam over if disturbed much before it is completed fermenting. You can check the SG and temp daily if you wish- just make sure the hydrometer is sterilized. Just sit back and monitor things for the first few days until ready to rack.
Thank you for the good news. I will indeed slow down and watch . . .
Don't feel bad, I goofed the other day as well. Mine overflowed the carboy top after I racked. Went to dinner only to come home to find a airlock full of merlot, and wine on the floor. Word to the wise, when you rack, make sure you leave a 1/2 gallon or so in a separate container. You will not fill the carboy too high, and you can use the extra later to top off.
My airlock self filled from climate changes when i really had it topped up. Even when it is degassed and stable and even bulk aged for some time, if you don not leave enough room in there even temp changes or barometric changes can make the level raise 1" - 1 1/2" and this is why we leave about 2" of head space.
Edited by: wade

Ahh, today it's evem more beautiful on the Chesapeake - again sunny with light winds out of the NW - and today's high is supposed to be near 54!

We're actuall near where the Patuxent River goes into the bay, with the Potomic to the south east, and the Bay to our east.

Were you near Lexington Park?

A guy who can quote the Bible and Sinatra at the same time - and he makes wine
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