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Aug 5, 2005
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Amanda Huffman, a friend and co-worker had told me about 2 months ago that she had told her oldest daughter, Destiny, that her mommy worked with Santa Claus. It was a conversation with her daughter elicited by the fact that older kids at school were tellingDestiny thatthere was no Santa and she had begun to question her Mom about it. I laughed with her about it and told her that I had played Santa for years and brought her a picture of me dressed as Santa. She begged me to let her have it and take it home with her to show Destiny that she did indeed work with Santa. According to Amanda, Destiny just flipped when she saw the picture and begged her Momma to let her come and meet Santa. Amanda asked me if I would mind meeting her and naturally I told her I would be thrilled to do so. It was right before Thanksgiving that Destiny came to the office and came down to meet "Santa" . We had a great visit, her eyes never leaving me as we talked. Her Mom told her that she had to promise not to tell anyone else about her getting to meet me and she promised that she wouldn't but wondered why I was working with her mommy. I explained to her that Santa had to work during the year to get funds for the toys that I handed out on Christmas. She gave me a great big hug, told me she loved me and they left. A couple of days later, I wrote her a letter and mailed it to her from the North Pole

True to her promise, Amanda told me she would not let her sister or her Dad see the letter she had received. As time passed she continued asking her mom about me and never said a word to anyone about our meeting. Now comes the rest of the story. I knew I was going to do Santa for Kimber's ( My Nephews Daughter)birthday and I asked Amanda what she thought about Santa dropping in to see Destiny and her little sister on his way to the North Pole to get everything ready for Christmas. Needless to say, she was elated so on Friday night, at 6pm Santa made his way to Destinys house. The look in her eyes when I walked in spoke volumes. I must say it melted my heart and memories of doing Santa in the past flooded into my consciousness. Her little sister, Bailey was as equally excited. We had a short visit, I left them a gift and off to the North Pole Santa went. Leaving behind what I believe were two little girls who now have a memory that will be with them for a long time to come. I know it will be thus for me. This is what Christmas is all about for me. I hope all of you got what you wanted or wanted what you got from ole Santa.


It was then off to Social Hill to wish Kimbera Happy Birthday with a surprise visit from Santa. Kimber was not too impressed with Santa
but I know that she too will remember Santa's visit.

Edited by: Waldo

You know, I could have been that Destiny when I was growing up. Santa came to visit our house on Christmas Eve more than just once, and kids at school used to tell me that it was just "daddy dressed up." I kept telling them that Daddy took the pictures WHILE SANTA WAS THERE, but no one believed me. (I have to laugh - my sister and I watched Santa leave our house, walking down the driveway (of course the reindeer would have gotten stuck in the snow in our driveway, so Santa kept them parked on the street). Little did we know that Santa parked "Rudolph" (i.e. 76 Chevy) out by our neighbor's house). When we woke up the next morning (Christmas morning), we saw that Santa came by AGAIN!!!!!! and Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Comet, Blitzen, Prancer, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen had all had eaten THE WHOLE POUND of carrots we left for them (my poor parents probably had to eat a lot carrots that night).

Well, let me tell you what I think about Santa now, after about 25+ years after I have seen him "live:"

He exists. He exists in every good person on the world who can make a child (and adult) feel special and loved and excited about Christmas. He's in you, Waldo. You made a child believe that there are good people in the world who loves them. What a wonderful story, Waldo, and good going. You certainly have shown this little girl how important it is to believe in something. I know I still do.
Waldo, that has got to be the sweetest story I've heard of in a long time.What a wonderful thing in the life of a little child!

And to tell you the truth, Waldo, after seeing your avatar when I first started visiting this forum,I thought to myself,"Wow! he'd make a great Santa!"

Now I know it's not just your appearance, it's your heart, that makes you a great Santa!

Those kids must think they are the luckiest kids in the world. Santa is the only fantasy in my life that I truly wish was real. You are a true Santa everyday!!!!!! Looking forward to meeting you!!!

Thanks All, I just love being happy and making those around me happy

Maybe I should attend the reunion dressed as Santa

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