Nostalgia: My labels vs. Grandpa's

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Jan 6, 2011
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It's been a while since I posted, but I'm still here and I still have a ton of wine aging beautifully right next to me. I recently obtained some of my grandpa's wine.

My grandpa is the inspiration for how I got started in winemaking. He passed away 21 years ago. He lived down the street from us when I was a teenager. When he was 90 he still made wine, but he couldn't lift or carry about of the heavy equipment. So I would go over and lift his 5g carboys and help him rack. It took me 20 years to get started on my own.

I put a lot of effort into my labels. He didn't. But he made great wine. I took these pictures this morning.

I have a glass of that Cherry wine in front of me now and it is very good.

your grandpa was resource full...that looks like part of an old floppy drive label.
hats off to you for taking up in his foot steps, I wish I would have learned from my uncles...
That is very cool. Did I do the math right on that...36 years? That is impressive.

FWIW, I'd rather have to remove his label, but yeah, yours looks better.
A label is like a book cover.
it may look nice, but it is the content that counts!