Newbie from Chicago

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Junior Member
Jul 30, 2009
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Hello everyone! Although I tried making wine about 40 years ago when I was in college, I am pretty new to more successful wine making using kits having made my first batch about 18 months ago. I am still using my starter kit along with a few additions such as a filter. This year I am trying make a new batch about every other month. I am thinking about making wine from grapes and other fruit again but am unsure how to learn enough to get started.

Welcome, glad to have you onboard and we have several here with the expertise and knowldge to answer your questions. i would also recommend getting a good book on wine making and read it
Waldo said:
Welcome, glad to have you onboard and we have several here with the expertise and knowledge to answer your questions. i would also recommend getting a good book on wine making and read it

Only several?? I bet we have more than that - Waldo alone counts for 7 or 8 knowledgeable experts.

At any rate, welcome to the forum. Making the wine is easy, keeping others from drinking it is the hard part.
Is there a particular one you would recommend?
Im not much of a book reader so Im no help there but if you give me some examples of wht you need to know I or someone here can walk you through any wine related tasks there is!
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Mike (mebcat),
Welcome to the forum! I live out in Buffalo Grove - are you in the city proper or one of the nearby areas?

- Jim
Hi Jim,

I am in the city proper within walking distance of Wrigley Field.
These books both sound very good. I checked them out on the links you provided and then saw that the city library even has them on the shelf.

The other links are helpful too. Thanks!

Very cool. If you do end up pursuing fresh grapes in the Fall, there are at least two different suppliers that will be somewhat close to you.

Welcome aboard and back into winemaking,

- Jim
mebcat, it is all in what you like to drink. George has a vast selection of kits. Literally "something for everyone".

And welcome to the Forum!!
Welcome aboard.
I have about 14 batches of wine under my belt in just under a year.
I know some of us here have 14 batches going at any given time....Ahem *Tom*
seams like every time i log in we get bigger.welcome aboard...............THINK OUT OF THE BOX.......and taste ,taste ,taste, as you progress in you adventures in wine making,.
Welcome to a hobby that will become anobsession.
Welcome from a newbie north of you - madison, wi!

I am afraid of kits, and make fruit wines, so I think it is a bit ironic when someone is nervous of them... I have 2 kits that I have not made yet.....and loads of fruit wine already done.....

So, don't worry. You will do fine. And I will be happy to taste test your wine - just one of the services I offer......

I think I was speaking from the state of being unfamiliar with making wine from fresh ingredients. As I have read ("From Vine to Wine") more about it, it doesn't sound over-whelming but still more involved than these simple kits.
Guess i wil lhave to finally get to those kits.... but I have elderberries and peaches and pears and plums and.......... all waiting too!