Newbie from Charleston, South Carolina

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Dec 5, 2010
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Already posted about my first kit in the beginner forum but I thought I would make my intro here.

I live in Charleston. I did some homebrewing of beer back in my college days. I didn't have a lot of success due to poor temperature control and general conditions in a college apartment.

My wife and I started getting into wine back in 2005 when I went to New Mexico and stopped at a small winery there called Tularosa Vineyards(

I love trying random wines and has helped expand my horizons. I felt that getting into making wine would do so even further. I will be limited with my ability to use fresh grapes(outside of muscadine) in my winemaking so I will likely do mostly kits.
Welcome ! You will fine a very diverse group here from all over.
Jim, welcome to the forum. Mucadine huh!!! There a lot of folks on here that will be plenty jealous of you. Feel free to chime in any time and ask you questions or let us know your opinion.
Welcome Jiml.. Just so you know there are many options for making wine. Not just kits and fresh juices. Look around in the recipe thread and you will see what I mean.. Again welcome!
Welcome to our little corner of the net. Lotsa good info here,just ask and somebody will chime in and give you a hand if you need it. Arne.
Brians right, there are many sources for wine making.

Welcome here and enjoy yourself, there is a lot of info. and help on this forum. Feel free to browse and search anything and if you need help/advice ask.
Hi Jiml

Welcome to winemakingtalk. My step son doesn't live too far from you, he is up near Rock Hill. When we go visit him I make everyone go to the local wineries for muscadine wine. I currently have 20 gallons that I am getting ready to bottle.
welcome I'm new here to its a great place to get questions answered and really nice people here.
Welcome aboard we have a map here also where you can put your location on and also see where a lot of the rest of us are from check it out