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Dec 11, 2011
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I started some wine Nov 27 2 kinds first one apple wine to start it had a sg reading of 1.150 today it is still bubbling a little bit but not much took another sg reading it sank to bottom so less then .999 right? does that it is done and ready to rack? or since still bubbling let sit awhile . other batch was white grape and peach had a start sg of 1.100 today 1.030 still some decent bubbles going so thinking i should let that one go? now if im reading the hydrom right the apple wine would have about 15% alc content now right? thanks:d
Apple is done. It's degassing on it own. Rack it, add sulfite and fining agent if you like and put under airlock. 15% ABV prob. right. Don't have hydrometer in front of me. I make mine all 10-12 ABV
so could i rack and add 1 campden tablet per gallon and put on airlock.then let sit for say a month rerack?
If it is finished fermenting you need to add 1/4 teaspoon sulfite per 5 gallon batch. Failure to do this could cause problems. Most likely will IMO

Degassing recommended. Fining agent recommend. Rack off of sediment in 4-6 weeks. Keep in a reasonably warm area @68-75* it will clear faster. Keep it under airlock to allow CO2 to escape but prevent bacteria from attacking it. Fill Carboy to knuckle.

I use sulfite as a powder not tablets so I do not know the ratio.
When the SG in unchanged for say three days, the fermentaion should be done. If your at .999 I'd say you are dry.
When my musts reach 1.000 I add 1 teaspoon super ferment and snap on an airlock to the buckets lid after giving it a good stir. In 2 days gravity will be .990 or lower.

It's dry then and I rack.

Racking early means you will need to degas again and clearing will take longer.
Milkman, Welcome! If your starting Specific Gravity was 1.150 and your ending was under 0.999 than your ABV is over 20%. Going to take a lot of aging.
Milkman check out the tutorial area on the home page here for some good info. They may answer some questions for you.
after doing two more SG reading those two come up with 1.080 so im guessing it is still fermeting ;)
if you got wine at 15 or more ABV then I see no problems not adding the tabs but thats just my opinion as I don't use them anyway
Just wondering what yeast you used. Some yeast can only handle about 13% Alcohol.
Also, as a side note, If you plan on racking your wine you need to ensure that the jug is topped off. Do not leave a large air pocket in the jug or you can/will have problems.