New Winemaker Mag!

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Senior Member
Aug 12, 2004
Reaction score
Hello everyone!

I just received my Winemaker Magazine in the mail!

What do you think of the "Wine Competitions from a judge's point of View" article?
If they would send me my copy, I could tell you....

Jeeze, you think that last notice; please renew letter wasn't just a joke....
rshosted said:
If they would send me my copy, I could tell you....

Jeeze, you think that last notice; please renew letter wasn't just a joke....

You having problems with them to? I subscribed in August and have yet to receive an issue. I write them weekly and always get a quick reply email assuring the issues have been re-mailed but they never show up. I checked that my address is indeed correct.

I can't understand what the problem is but I am done with them and could never recommend this publication to anyone. I know many enjoy their issues and have no problem. Dunno why I can't as well. the other 10 magazines I subscribe to show up here correctly

Funny- I sent for a free copy at some web site- got it, and now they keep sending me copies even though I haven't paid yet!!!
I have not received my copy yet either so it looks like Martina is going to have to post the article for us to read
I got a lot of useful information from the "Common Mistakes" and tips
from the judges article . That kind of article is why I subscribe
to the magazine. However, I liked the question/answer bit with the
six International Amatuer Competition champion home winemakers even more. While the judges tell what they look
for, the winners give tips on exactly how they won. Very useful!
Edited by: Rule G
I'm looking forward to Bert's first issue arriving here. I ordered through George for Christmas. Maybe I should check with them to see how long I should wait.
They do post some of the articles on their website but doesn't look like they have updated for the recent Feb-Mar issue.

I haven't had as problem getting my issues nor has a friend who I sent a free subscription to!
I emailed them today and canceled my subscription. Still no issue in my mailbox even though they say they have re-shipped 3 times. Don't know what the deal is there.

I got mine on Tuesday, my trial issue that is. Lots of good info, I am going to subscribe...
MedPretzel said:
Hello everyone!

I just received my Winemaker Magazine in the mail!

What do you think of the "Wine Competitions from a judge's point of View" article?

I thought it was interesting and enlightening. I've seen the score sheets before, but it's good to hear from a judge what exactly he looks for and what are some common mistakes he runs into.
Well, I got a package UPS today with 3 issues in it. Don't know where the other 3 packages sent in the mail is. I do have to say this publisher does have good customer service though. They have always responded to my emails. Never got my stuff but at least the contacted me. I don't know if they frequent the boards here or not. I know they do as the publisher wrote me to inquire to my problems after reading a post there. Guess it took a while to see it cause I haven't been to that forum for quite a while. So, I guess we will see if others show up. I never did get a refund as requested or any indication it was going to happen.

Well, I will be honest. I got mine through someone's "free subscription" offer. I don't think I would want to spend that price on it. It's good and has very informative articles in it, but I don't think the price is justified. Too many ads, price too high, in my opinion.

So, I will probably enjoy my 1-year free subscription and cancel. I get way more out of forums and interactions like this one.
