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Junior Member
Jun 15, 2014
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Hi eveyone,

My name is Jenn and I recently starting making mead, and wine, and I am looking at trying my hand at BIAB all grain beer making. I am a nurse in Ft St John, BC, Canada. I have two little boys and have recently become a stay at home, for sanity reasons, I took up home brewing! ;-) I also love quilting, cooking and gardening; and curling whenever I can get away to play in a bonspiel. Glad to be here.


My wife is also a nurse(labor and Delivery) and for many years, she worked part time( worked grave hard) so we took turns bringing up our three sons. Whew...a lot of work but I loved every minute of it.

Glad you are a member of this forum. i started growing grapes 'cuase my sons liked eating frozen grapes but it took me another 25 years to start this new hobby.

You will find a lot of help here. These individuals are a very talented bunch.

PS:what I wouldn't give for five minutes to re-live those days!
Hi Jenn,

Welcome aboard!
This is a great group of people.
Looking forward to seeing your contributions.
Thanks all!! It's freezing rain here and since I'm stuck inside anyways I'm prepping blueberries for a blueberry/elderberry melomel.