New member from NJ

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Dec 28, 2011
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Hi All,

Just finished bottling and sampling my first wine kit. Came out pretty good and I think I'm hooked. Making apfelwein tomorrow. I love new hobbies!

Welcome from another NJ member. You have a great homebrew/wine store by you.
Welcome from yet another NJ member.

Lots to learn here and the more experienced winemakers are eager to share and advise.

Welcome Jason just don't get addicted like the rest of us did
Thanks! I feel so welcome. Tom, if you mean Corrados, I was there yesterday buying some odds and ends. I dive head first into new hobbies and this definitely seems like one of them.
Welcome aboard, you'll have a lot of fun in this new hobbie. It is rumored though that folks from NJ flavor their wine with Welches. Any truth to that?
Hi Jason! Welcome! I have an apfelwein I started in the fall, it's still sitting in the carboy. I threw a few cinnamon sticks in it too, it smells amazing!

You'll soon become very addicted to the hobby! I just keep telling my husband that the carboys must be multiplying on their own.....