New Google Browser

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Senior Member
Oct 17, 2005
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Google has a new browser named Chrome, and is it ever FAST! Seems to work great with the forum software too. I really like the built in spell check as well.

You can check it out here

I'm quite impressed for a first go at a browser.
Thanks Dean.....I was looking at the news article on it just a few minutes ago and will have to try it out!
Thanks Dean.

This is much faster than explorer or firefox, and yes, it took care of the glitches in latency that I was having on this site.
I downloaded it and am checking it out now without it being my main browser. So far i like it but would like to hear someone answer Appleman's question that knows much more then I do. seems pretty nice otherwise. Keyboard touch pad will have to be adjusted i I keep this as Im all over the place.Edited by: wade
I have been using Firefox for awhile and like it....Jim still uses IE....

Going to check out this new one...

I must say that it is fast, its like putting more memory in your computer.
It's great!!!!!

For ages I haven't been able to UpLoad photos to this Site....I have been using PhotoBucket, then move them here. Chrome worked like a too.

appleman said:
Any word on it's susceptibility to spyware, viruses, adware, etc? I would love to ditch IE if it is good and secure.

It's just been released, so we won't know that for a while, however, a deep dive into the inner workings of this browser is what I did this afternoon.

Security is one of the main thoughts with this browser. Everything is comparmentalized so that even if a rogue app tries to get out, this browser should be able to shut it down within reason. If the flaw is in the OS, then no browser is safe. What I *really* like about Chrome is that there is no cookie gathering. So if there are advert based websites that want to track clicks, once you close that session, there is no more cookie! From a privacy standpoint, this is incredible!

If you'd like to read the "cartoon" about the browser you can find that here. It can be a little long and dry, but this should help to ease your concerns about this browser.
hey hey hey and hi

just downloaded it and wow - seems to work fine. Yes, Wade, you are right it is fast. Wish my fingers could keep up with it correctly.

Tihs is a test of the spell checkre.
Teh kat sate on teh fance.

How do you get the spell checker to do it's thing? Do you need to actually select it under options and download the English version?
appleman said:
Tihs is a test of the spell checkre.
Teh kat sate on teh fance.

How do you get the spell checker to do it's thing? Do you need to actually select it under options and download the English version?

I had Spell Checker on IE, Firefox as well as Chrome....The misspelled words are underlined in red....Right click on them and you get the options.

Now that I have downloaded Chrome I can't LogIn to this Site with Firefox...Go figure????
Here I am using MS Internet Explorer ....I was able to LogIn and I show up on the list of Active Users.....

Lost my ability to LogIn here at FVW only on the Firefox Browser....have all my Passwords and abilities on other Sites with Chrome, Firefox and IE.

Will continue to try and figure this out...or...just use another Browser other than Firefox to access here.Edited by: Northern Winos
I just loaded it on another computer and after selecting English and restarting, it seems to be working- a little bit. Not a very good spell checker.
The incognito mode is a two edged sword. Yes it stops a lot of data gathering from off site. however it will also limit your ability to run sessions. As an example, ebay allows you to be logged in all day. That works in incognito mode but if you cancel the ingonito page and go back to the regular you have to sign in again.
It doesn't seem any faster to me but I am running a really powerful machine with a very wide Internet connection at work (about half a GB a second) so speed differences don't mean much her. It'll be interesting at home.
Already ran into issues with IE Spell Checker as appleman stated and couldn't get my media player 11to be recognized by K LOVE to listen on lineand also watch highlights of Red Sox and that is two big thumbs down!


Here is a review I saw today

Loaded Beta version of IE 8 and will be using this on one machine to see how it works!

The accelerator feature already looks awesome....highlight any word and click on arrow for tons of options!Edited by: masta
peterCooper said:
The incognito mode is a two edged sword. Yes it stops a lot of data gathering from off site. however it will also limit your ability to run sessions. As an example, ebay allows you to be logged in all day. That works in incognito mode but if you cancel the ingonito page and go back to the regular you have to sign in again.

I think you're missing the point on the incognito function. It is there so that you do don't have to answer to the boss why you were surfing <insert website you shouldn't be visiting here>, which can make it a parents worst nightmare, but a privacy advocates best friend.

At any rate, if anyone is having issues with the browser, there is a function to let Google know that certain things are broken. This will be a good thing since this is just a first beta of the software.

A couple of things to note: Tabs get VERY expensive on memory because they are a separate function. However, the nice thing is, close the tab, get memory back. So far IE8 with tabs is using close to 380MB of memory on this PC, and you don't get it back until you completely close *all* instances of IE8. I've taken Chrome up to 600MB of RAM and get every last bit back just by closing old tabs. Of course, I can test easily like that because I run 64bit and have 8GB of RAM.