Needed something new to do

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Jan 23, 2014
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Hello needed a new hobby was looking around at beer making sites and found this one.

That was almost a year ago told the wife i would like to try winemaking and she said go for it i do love that women. Being that i am disabled wine making is a good thing for me because its forgiving if you dont do things right when needed and its good because sometimes i just can not stand for a long time. I have spent a lot of time here reading and learning and in that short time have made a few kits RJS is just over the bridge from our house so very handy so on that note thanks and look forward to spending more time here as i am going from the kits as per instructions to tweaking. Love that word is a good word in wine making.

Welcome Shane. I'm glad you enjoy winemaking. What's not to love about it? I'm hooked too.

I have done a bit of tweaking with ideas from Joeswine. There is a thread on here called 'thinking outside the box'. He has a lot of tutorials on thread. It's a good read full if ideas.
Welcome Shane! Also a hooked person here... Always thinking and planning what I am going to make next, all of a sudden I don't like seeing empty carboys in my house lol
Thank you all for the warm welcome. Spent many hours in joeswine lots of good information hopeing to pass some on myself.

If lifting is a problem for you, either buy an allinone vacuum system or Hobble one together with a vacuum of some sort, harbor freight, medical aspirator or what ever. You can rack, degass and bottle with that and you should not have to ever lift a full carboy or fermenter.

Also, I suggest you build a table that you can sit down at to bottle or use a floor bottler while bottling. I can bottle and cork sitting down and that helps my back.
Thanks i spend some time at bosagrape being close allows me to go to the shop great place helpful people.
Welcome to winemaking, I think it's like a chem set for adults;)