Nasty Wines

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along these lines (trying not to hijack the post) I started a gallon using 3 cans of welch's concentrate, brought SG up to 1.090 so nothing crazy, even added a pinch of tannin. That was about 3 months ago that fermentation started. I racked the other day and tasted it, for lack of better terms it was boring and thin. I threw in some french oak chips to try to give it some sort of taste, but what can be done with it? I mean I can use it in like hunch punch or something but that's all it seems good for at the time being. Any thoughts?
Need much more info,

yeast, temp, chemicals used, containers, santizing agent, you get the idea...was this concord welches
I believe theres a time to say, is this wine worth me keeping?- start over and regroup your thoughts learn from some of the errors and move on to better bottles of wine ,don,t settle for close enough,ll fine you Will never move will always then be good enough.......................................
hannabarn said:
I'm going thru the same thing with my chokecherry wine. It is only 3 months old and I have only tried 1 bottle. so far it is a big disappointment. Tasted very bitter. Hopefully time will heal!

The pits of the choke cherries can cause lots of bitterness. If they get nicked in the processing or if you leave them in the primary for too long.
Maybe you can save that thin wine for topping up other wines. Better than water...

Back when we started making scratch wines, Poor Bert made a wheat wine. It smelled like a burning tire. It tasted like what I imagined a burning tire would taste.

And old Mr. I-Can-Make-Wine-With-That saw some blueberries in last night's groceries and immediately thought they were for making wine. I swear, you'd think that fruit isn't for eating!
I beieve he even pouted for a few seconds.

We're going to open the last bottle of wheat wine tonight and will report back.
Well, I opened the last bottle of wheat wine last night. Everyone please say a silent prayer for my marriage as I am going to be totally honest here.

It was bottled summer of 2004. Smells like a skunk ran across the road and I missed it by putting down 1/2 the rubber off of my tires. Yes, burnt rubber and skunk. I took a taste and it wasn't much better than the smell. However, it was a nice clear wine with a lovely amber color to it.
And what did Bert think of it?
It may be a man thing..... mmmmmmmmm
nothing like Burnt Tires and Skunk pee in the morning!!!???

Was the wheat wine ever good?? Were you holding out hope for it?
Bless you for even tasting it. If it smelled that bad, there is no way I would have even tasted it!
It wasn't that bad..
..can't say it was very good, but it was something to try making at the time.....but I'm sure I can find better thing to try....let's see were did PWP put those blueberrys...
tepe said:
Need much more info,

yeast, temp, chemicals used, containers, santizing agent, you get the idea...was this concord welches
been away for a few days, sorry
used Pasteur Red yeast, fermented in a plastic bucket and transferred to a glass carboy at just under 1.010 inside my house, low 70's the whole time. It did completely ferment, SG around .995. Yes 3 cans of the concord welches, nothing else as far as flavor, starting SG 1.090 added acid blend topH 3.4 by electronic tester (I know, not TA like I should but...). Been in the secondary since Thanksgiving, American oaked it first, some flavor profile from that but not overpowering by any means. Added the typical yeast nutrient, a little energizer, 1/8 tsp tannin, some K meta but just a pinch. On the last racking (last week) I added French oak to give it some sort of taste, haven't tried it again or anything but its a lack of grape body that's my concern here. I've got the red grape concentrate George sells, but at this stage in the game am i going to run into fermentation issuesif Iuse that? The other ones i have that aren't 'ready' still have significant flavors, undeveloped or not, but this one so far is a letdown (albeit not too expensive of one)
PWP, got to be "a man thing". hahahaha

Did Bert get your blueberries???
Had second thoughts about useing PWP's blueberries......just go out and buy some more....or life may not be so good around here .....
Sometimes you just want to eat the fruit or cook with it and not make wine. I picked a bunch of red,balck and gold raspberries last summer. I made sure everybody got some to eat and I froze the rest for wine. Saturday I felt like cooking dinner and I thought- "You know a pie would taste good!" I went down to the freezer and dug out 2 bags of berries each with over a quart in them. That would have made at least a gallon of wine. Did I waste them? Nobody thought so. It made one heck of a pie. I think I could have used one bag in it and it was a deep dish pie. The berries were at least 6 inches high before cooking. It lasted us two days and was great!

So yes, Bert- let PWP have here blueberries and you can just go buy some more!