Cellar Craft My Yakima Chardonnay

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Jul 23, 2011
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Well, I have officially started my second batch of wine. It all seems to be going well.
You can see what I've done so far here: [ame="http://youtu.be/mFvQ_ANEDyw"]http://youtu.be/mFvQ_ANEDyw[/ame]

The only question I now have is, Do I just let it do it's thing, or do I need to stir it everyday? It seems I remember the MM kit I did first had as a tip stirring it daily can help.
Your choice to stir or not. I'll stir if there is oak or fruit in the primary, if not I'll just close the lid and let the yeasties feast. It will not hurt the wine either way and lots of folks like to have something to do so they stir.
Thank you Rick.
@vcasey, I know what you mean about needing something to do. I keep peeking under the lid just to make sure it was going ok. After about 10 hours it had a nice foamy cap on top. Now, at about 24 hours, the cap has dissapated, but is still fizzing away. I think I'll wait another couple of days before taking my second S.G. reading.
Looking good Rick! With a white like this Chard your really only re-suspending the yeast (by stirring) to give a bit of O2 to help ensure a complete ferment to dry. It definitely is probably more of a help to the winemaker (making him feel needed) than it is to the yeast!
Thanks Tom I appreciate it. I had originally planned to make a big intro/opening for it, but when I started editing it, I figured that would be a little over the top. I now am working on changing it to just a promo for the forum. Ok it's just something to do to keep me busy while I wait! Gotta practice those 3 P's you know!
Actually while I'd probably be laughed out of my TV station for using it, I just used windows movie maker for it. Normally I use Adobe programs like Premiere Pro and After Effects for my projects. but it seemed a bit over-the-top for this.
I am biding my time by doing a just for fun project for the forum. I make no promises as to how good it will be.
Well, I hope it hasn't been ruined. This evening (day 2 of step 1) my brother came by and then without my knowledge, he added the packet of cubes that are to be added in step 4!
He said I had missed those because the instructions say to add the oak now. Now what do I do? Should I leave them in there, scoop them out and save them, or what.Now the option of pummeling him to within an inch of his life
is a given!
Very angry!-David
No big deal at all (the oak that is, you brother may be a bigger problem). I'd leave the oak in then when you rack I would rinse them off, spray with some sanitizer let dry and add back after clearing or whenever instructions say to.
As for your brother, just run him back and forth through a wringer several times and tell him to keep his paws to himself.
@ibglowing: here's what I've done so far on that video I was talking about. This was with After Effects and Premiere Pro.
It still needs a little tweaking. I hope George will like it.
+1 to Mike.
I made the "how-to" video with WMM and the "promo" with After Effects, Premiere Pro, and maybe a little Photoshop thrown in for flavor