My white Riesling SG is still at 1.002 after 2 weeks

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Still lost.....
Sep 25, 2012
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2 weeks in 2nd fermentation process. Just racked this but SG hasn't moved much, I know I should be checking SG constantly but last time I checked was Oct. 13 and ut was at 1.008, today at 1.002.

Room temp has been cool around ~68


Oct. 05 12pm 1.080
Oct. 06 8pm 1.065
Oct. 07 4pm 1.055
Oct. 08 6pm 1.040
Oct. 09 7pm 1.028
Oct. 10 8pm 1.020
Oct. 11 5pm 1.016
Oct. 12 8am 1.012
Oct. 13 2pm 1.008
Oct. 13 2pm 1.008 Racked to 2nd fermentation
Oct. 28 4pm 1.002 Racked

I was hoping to stabilize today..!!
Check it again tomorrow and the day after that, and see if its still 1.002.
Cant really tell much at this point, but can then.
I am just guessing that the cool temp has delayed the full fermentation?

I should not rush and just wait to check again for 2 more days, I assume ALL wines SG must come down to dry level below 1.000, right?
Not all wines go all the way - ideally we'd like them to but some get stuck for one reason or another, or some just take their time finishing... It's not necessarily a bad thing with an aromatic white wine like this, the cooler & longer fermentation helps to not blow off so much of the delicate aromas

No need to rush it at this point though, as long as its in an carboy with an airlock
As long as you temps were decent for fermentation and you get 3 to 4 of the same readings in a row it could be done. Like Deezil said all wines are different.
I think it was maybe the cool temp, so I turned on my pellet stove in the basement to around 73 degrees and will check SG again later today.
Buy yourself a brew belt for next time. Put it on when fermentation slows enough that the temperature of the wine starts to return to room temperature.

This time, give the wine a good stir and seal it back up. Yes, keep the room at above 72F; 75F is best for a slow fermenting wine like this one. If the SG still has not dropped in about three days, it likely will not drop anymore, so go ahead with next step.
This is why I know ferment to dry in the bucket. Once the wine gets down to 1.010, I snap down the lid and let it go. I'll check it a week later to see how it is coming along.
hi julie, this one went down to 1.008 in the bucket, and then I racked to carboy, I would've hoped it could be lower than 1.000 after 2 weeks but it wasn't. Mayb e next time I'll leave in the bucket until dry level achieved.

I had the same thing happen to me. No matter what I did, it was done at 1.002. So I decided I was going this route and to be honest I do think it is better this way. I use to rack at 1.010 and then wait a couple of weeks and then rack it again because it was dry and I wanted to get it off the lees. Now, I rack from primary to carboy and normally leave it sit for 3 months before I rack again.