My take on Mango Wine

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Jun 4, 2014
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I decided to give Mango wine a try and use a couple of new toys.

3) 30 oz Cans of Laxmi brand Nesar Mango Pulp
5) 101 Oz jugs of Langers Mango Nectar
Note this adds up to 2662 grams of Sugar or almost 5.9 pounds)
.4 gram Lallzyme C-Max (Pectin Enzyme)
1 tsp K Meta
36 grams Opti-White (for mouth feel)
6 tsp. Yeast Nutrient
30 gm Bentonite
10 Pounds Sugar
Red Star Montrachet Yeast

I added the Pulp, Nectar 5 quarts of RO water, K-Meta, Opti-White and yeast Nutrient and let it sit all day, In the evening I added the Pectin, and the following morning I added the 10 pounds of sugar to 1/8 tsp of acid blend and 2 quarts of water and held to a simmer for 20 minutes to invert the sugar. I cooled the sugar and added it to the must and added the Bentonite according to directions and ended up with 6 3/4 gallons of must. I pitched the yeast this morning and I have air lock activity 8 hours later.

SG before sugar 1.040
SG at pitching yeast 1.110

Expected ABV ~15%

I've never used Lallzyme C-Max or Opti-White so I'm interested in how they do. With the extra 3/4 a gallon I hope to rack fewer lees in to the secondary.
I didn't use pulp, just fresh mangos.. Either way you'll get Lots of lees. I made a "mango extract" w/ mangos and Everclear
To bump up the flavor. Not bad . One of my first wines. I did sorbate and back sweeten to 1.008