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Jan 6, 2009
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I am a new home winemaker and am currently making a Mosti Mondiale chardonnay kit. Ithasfinished fermentation and currently I am bulk aging. What are my next steps after the bulk aging process? I also want to filter. When would this be done?
White wines are typically faster then reds as far as being able to drink. After 3 months of bulk aging and every 3 months I would add 1/4 tsp of k-meta to protect your wine from oxidation. I would say at 8 months it should be darn good but will still get a little better with a little more time.
Welcome mike. If it was mine I would bulk age 3 months, racking once a month. After the third month I would add 1/4 teaspoon of potassium metabisulfite after racking and stir well. Then if you want to filter it, do it at that point, and then bottle. Let it sit in the bottle a few months and you will be about 6 months ols by then and it should be ready to start sampling seriously. You could age 8 months like Wade says, but whites should normally be drunk sooner than reds.
Welcome MikeW

I agree with Appleman.